#148 Atlantic Coast Line #1504,USRA 4-6-2A
Early example of USRA passsenger locomotives representing the first US standardization program
During the World-War I emergency, American railroads were placed under the control of the United States Railroad Administration (USRA). To facilitate construction, operation, and maintenance, all new steam locomotives ordered during this period were built to one of twelve standard designs developed by a committee composed of USRA, railroad, and locomotive-builder representatives. This family of locomotives, ranging from 0-6-0 to 2-8-8-2 in size, incorporated the best proven features of the day and was the first successful standardization of American motive power. More than 1,800 locomotives were placed in service during this war effort, the first being the B&O 4500.
Although the USRA period lasted only three years, locomotives continued to be built around these basic designs for another decade. ACL 1504, built by American Locomotive Co. Richmond Works, is a "light pacific," the most common USRA passenger design. The 1504 was one of 81 light pacifics. It was in service on ACL for over 30 years, most of which was spent in passenger service hauling 10 to 12 cars at 70 mph. After diesel power was introduced, the P-5-A engines were put into freight service, and the 1504 was in service in the Tampa area until retired in 1952. Surviving in almost original condition, essentially as built, the ACL 1504 was selected for preservation and has been put on display at the Prime Osborn Convention Center, which is the old ACL depot.

Landmark Location
Prime Osborn Convention Center 1000 Water Street Jacksonville, FL 32204
Visiting Info
Ceremony Notes
October 1990