#92 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Unique electromechanical devices and systems in the longest accelerator in the world
The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center was renamed in 2009 to the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
Notable for: unique electromechanical devices and systems in the longest accelerator in the world
The Stanford two-mile accelerator, the longest in the world, accelerates electrons to the very high energy needed in the study of subatomic particles and forces. Experiments performed here have shown that the proton, one of the building blocks of the atom, is in turn composed of smaller particles now called quarks. Other research here has uncovered new families of particles and demonstrated subtle effects of the weak nuclear force. This research requires the utmost precision in the large and unique electromechanical devices and systems that accelerate, define, deliver, and store the beams of particles and in the detectors that analyze the results of the particle of interactions.

Landmark Location
Stanford University
2575 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Visiting Info
regular hours, by appointment, Mon-Fri 9am-1pm. See comments below.
Ceremony Notes
Plaque Location
Plaque is publicly accessible without appointment. Laboratory requires an appointment.
Comments from Visitors/Members
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is located adjacent to Menlo Park, west of the Stanford campus at 2575 Sand Hill Road, east of highway 280. Wheelchair accessible.
SLACCommunications Office, 2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 70, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 650-926-2204 (call if you have questions).
Tours of SLAC are conducted several times a week for the public at 9am and 1 pm and are available by reservation. Tours take 2 hours and are offered free of charge as a public service. It begins with a presentation in the auditorium and ends with a bus tour of the 426-acre facility. Please give a week's notice in planning a tour, noting that the tour schedule is heavy. Saturday tours are booked 2-3 weeks in advance. Cameras allowed.
To plan a tour, provide SLAC with the name and makeup of the group, the number of people, the type of transportation used to come to SLAC, and the name, address, and telephone number of the group's contact. Parking is limited. Bring a roster of names within the tour group to save time.
Dining arrangements can be made in advance 650-926-2615. Evening tours are not available but expanded auditorium presentations can be arranged, depending on availability of an appropriate speaker.
Children: Children under 11 years old have not benefited from the tour in the past. If you are planning to arrange a tour for children, please consult the SLAC Communications Office.