Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. Medal

The ASME Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. Medal, recognizes outstanding contribution by an individual, company, government entity, school, or other organization toward developing and implementing practices, processes and programs that value and promote inclusiveness of all people.

Award applicants must be a member of ASME or of a recognized engineering/professional society. If the applicant is an institution or organization, it must have had an established program in operation for a minimum of three years with more than 25 active participants.

Lastly, the applicant must not have been involved with litigation related to discrimination or harassment within the past three years.

The award was established by the Board on Diversity and Outreach in 2004 through the generous contributions of individual ASME members and Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc.

Submit Nomination Here
Nomination Instructions
Nomination Tips

Form of Award: $2,000, bronze medal, certificate, and a $750 travel allowance
Limitation(s): None
Administrative Responsibility: Diversity & Inclusion Strategy Committee
Nomination Deadline: December 1

Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. Medalists

2024 Sriram Sundararajan
2023 Mahesh C Aggarwal
2022 Sheryl Sorby
2021 Bioengineering Women’s Networking Group
2012 Penn State University Engineering Ambassadors Program
2009 Richmond Area Program for Minorities in Engineering, Inc.
2008 Klod Kokini
2007 Genesys Works
2006 Abel Hernandez-Guerrero
2005 Joseph Bordogna

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