Richard J. Goldstein Energy Lecture Award

The Richard J. Goldstein Energy Lecture Award, established in 2019, recognizes pioneering contribution(s) to the frontiers of energy leading to a breakthrough(s) in existing technology, leading to new applications or new areas of engineering endeavor, or leading to policy initiatives.

The successful candidate is expected to give an authoritative lecture in his/her field at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. The candidate chooses a topic of his/her choice.

The topic of the lecture could include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following: overview of the global and regional energy scene, availability of energy resources, solar energy, wind and alternative energy systems, geothermal energy systems, energy policy, heat transfer in energy systems, nuclear power plants, energy conversion, energy storage, and basic engineering thermal science related to energy conversion and energy use in applications.

Submit Nomination Here
Nomination Instructions
Nomination Tips

Form of Award:  $11,000, bronze medal, certificate, and a $750 travel allowance
Limitation(s): None
Administrative Responsibility: The International Gas Turbine Institute, Heat Transfer Division, TEC Sector Council
Nomination Deadline: February 1
Awarded By: Committee on Honors (COH)

Richard J. Goldstein Energy Lecture Awardees

2024 M. Stanley Whittingham
2021 Shuji Nakamura
2020 James J. Truchard
2019 Steven Chu

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