Meritorious Service Award

This is an ICE Division award that honors loyal service, guidance, leadership and worthy contributions to the progress of the ICE Division. The recipient must be member of the Internal Combustion Engine Division, maintain good attendance, and exhibit guidance and leadership in Division activities.

ASME Unit: Internal Combustion Engine Division (ICED)
Date Established: 1968
Achievement: Loyal service, guidance, leadership and worthy contributions to the progress of the ICE Division.
Limitations: Must be member of Internal Combustion Engine Division, maintain good attendance, exhibit guidance and leadership in Division activities.
Nomination Deadline: May 1
Nominator Must be an ICE Division Executive Committee or Division Associate Member
Form of Award: Certificate--usually laminated onto a walnut board
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Internal Combustion Engine Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: ICE Division Honors and Awards Committee
Selecting Process: Nominations are screened and approved by the ICE Honors and Awards Committee members.
Funding: ICE Division Custodian Account
Date Created: 10/18/2000
Date Modified: July 18, 2022
Contact Name: Dr. Ronald O. Grover, Jr.
Contact Email:
Up to 3 awards per year/conference

Nominator is required to submit a short citation (<100 words which includes information on circumstances warranting the nomination) to Dr. Ronald O. Grover, Jr.

Meritorious Service Award Recipients

2024 Winners

Vitaly Y. Prikhodko

Vitaly Y. Prikhodko
Research & Development Staff
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Gokul Vishwanathan

Gokul Vishwanathan
Demonstrations Program Manager - Carbon Capture Pilots
Department of Energy, Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations

Josh A. Pihl

Josh A. Pihl
Buildings and Transportation Science Division Director
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

2023 Winners
Charles Finney
Charles Finney
Senior R&D Staff
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Christopher R. Stoos
Christopher R. Stoos
Lead Engineer
Locomotive Technology Center
Southwest Research Institute

Dan E. Richardson
Dan E. Richardson
Global Power Cylinder Senior Technical Advisor
Cummins, Inc.
2022 Dr. Cosmin Dumitrescu
Doug Longman
1999 Bernard G. Richards
Raj Sekar
1998 A.H. (Tony) Siegel
Frank Aboujaoude
1997 Dennis N. Assanis
Joseph R. Barcroft
Peter C. Enslin
Steven G. Fritz
Reda M. Bata
1996 James B. Culp
David B. Field
Melvin J. Helmich
P.K. Subramanyan
1995 Carl L. McClung
Terry L. Ullman
Anthony H. Siegel
Stuart R. Bell 

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