Sections and Technical Divisions

Members can engage with various ASME official groups (Sections & Technical Divisions.) Official groups are led by ASME volunteers.

Professional Sections

Provides Local, Geographic Engagement

ASME Professional Sections provide an avenue for all members to connect at the local level. Sections augment and further Society-level programs and activities, including professional development programs, networking opportunities, and communicating the excitement of engineering through awards, recognitions and other activities. Each ASME member is assigned to a local section (if available), based on their geographic location.

Learn More About Professional Sections

Student Sections

ASME Student Sections allow student members to connect at their university/school. Student Sections are chartered at engineering departments of colleges and universities around the world, and help complement the curriculum of the educational institution while enriching the engineering student experience. Student Sections offer mutual support in study, learning, and professionalism, and provide personal connections and communications within the Society and the profession through mentoring, volunteer, and leadership opportunities.

Learn More About Student Sections

Technical Divisions

At ASME, members can join Technical Divisions based upon their professional and technical interests. More than 50,000 members have elected to affiliate with at least one and up to five divisions. Division opportunities include access to a collaborative community of peers, leadership & volunteer opportunities, career development, numerous student activities, technical/research conferences, and the chance to contribute to the publication of technical journals.

About Technical Divisions


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