IPPD395_IPPD0525 - API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service Evaluation has been added to your cart.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service Evaluation

Apply the requirements of API 579/ASME FFS-1 to make run, repair, and replacement decisions for pressure vessels, piping, and tanks.

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  • Location and Date
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  • Salt Lake City, UT, USA May 12-14th, 2025


  • Memphis, TN, USA Jun 16-18th, 2025



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The ability to interact with ASME instructors who bring real world experience, examples, and best practices to life in our learning experiences is a major reason learners choose face to face training. Networking with peers is also a valuable part of the time spent together during a course. We are excited to start offering these important courses again in person.

Schedule: ​This course commences at 8:30 AM and ends at 5:30 PM local time, each day, with breaks scheduled throughout. 

May Venue: This course will be held at the The Grand America Hotel in conjunction with ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Week.  Please follow this link for hotel accomdations.

June Venue: This course will be held at the Sheraton Memphis Downtown Hotel in conjunction with the ASME Turbo Expo.  Please follow this link for hotel accommodations and to learn more about the Expo.

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Fitness-for-service assessment is a multi-disciplinary engineering approach that is used to determine if equipment is fit to continue operation for some desired future period. The equipment may contain flaws, have sustained damage, or have aged so that it cannot be evaluated by use of the original construction codes. API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 is a comprehensive consensus industry recommended practice that can be used to analyze, evaluate, and monitor equipment for continued operation. The main types of equipment covered by this standard are pressure vessels, piping, and tanks.

This course helps participants understand and apply the API/ASME fitness-for-service standard in their daily work. The material presented in the course shows how the disciplines of stress analysis, materials engineering, and nondestructive inspection interact and apply to fitness-for-service assessment. The assessment methods apply to pressure vessels, piping, and tanks that are inservice.

The course includes an extensive set of notes to supplement the contents of the recommended practice, and the recommended practice contains numerous example problems that illustrate fitness-for-service assessment.

Course Materials (included in purchase of course): 

Downloadable version of the course presentation via ASME’s Learning Platform 

By participating in this course, you will learn how to successfully:

  • Analyze, evaluate, and monitor pressure vessels, piping, and tanks for continued operation
  • Explain how to apply background information on fitness-for-service assessment, especially as it applies to the refining and chemical process industries, which are the primary focus of API 579
  • Identify the main parts of the API/ASME standard, as well as the annexes
  • Explain the practical application of the techniques incorporated in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1

Who Should Attend

This course is intended for engineers and engineering management engaged in the operation, design, analysis, and maintenance of plant facilities. Participants should have a BS degree or equivalent experience in engineering. A general knowledge of stress analysis, materials behavior, and fracture mechanics are helpful.

A certificate of completion will be issued to registrants who successfully attend and complete the course.


Day One

  • Introduction - lecture and discussion
  • Fitness-for-service Engineering Evaluation Procedure (General Roadmap for Parts 3 through 13 of the API/ASME Standard) - lecture and discussion
  • Assessment of Equipment for Brittle Fracture -lecture, discussion, and examples
  • Assessment of General Metal Loss - lecture, discussion, and examples
  • Assessment of Local Metal Loss - lecture, discussion, and examples

Day Two

  • Assessment of Pitting Corrosion - lecture, discussion, and examples
  • Assessment of Hydrogen Blisters and Hydrogen Damage Associated with HIC and SOHIC – lecture and discussion
  • Assessment of Weld Misalignment and Shell Distortions – lecture and discussion
  • Level 1 Assessment of Crack-Like Flaws - lecture, discussion, and examples
  • In-class problem-solving: general metal loss, local metal loss, and Level 1 crack assessment

Day Three

  • Introduction to Fracture Mechanics; Level 2 Assessment of Crack-Like Flaws – lecture, discussion, and examples
  • Assessment of Components Operating in the Creep Regime – lecture and discussion
  • Assessment of Fire Damage – lecture and discussion
  • Assessment of Dents, Gouges and Dent-Gouge Combinations – lecture and discussion
  • Assessment of Laminations – lecture and discussion
  • General Discussion and Course Wrap-up

Gregory Brown, Ph.D.

Principal/Owner, Blue Ring Engineering

Gregory Brown, Ph.D., is the principal and owner of Blue Ring Engineering. He currently performs computational mechanics and fitness-for-service assessments for a variety of industries using API 579, as well as supporting litigation and failure analysis.

More Information



Conducted in a physical classroom or lab with an instructor and peers.  

Note: ASME in-person activities will follow the state and local laws, regulations and guidelines regarding COVID-19 applicable to the location of the event.  Learn more here
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