Special Issue on Adaptive and Smart Energy Systems for Sustainable and Resilient Buildings

Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities
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We invite submissions for an upcoming special issue on adaptive and smart energy systems for sustainable and resilient buildings. The focus of the special issue is to highlight advanced technologies, control strategies, and analysis tools for designing, retrofitting, and operating buildings capable of adjusting their thermal loads based on changing external environments as well as occupant needs. In particular, the special issue will address adaptive building energy systems that can adjust their properties and operations under a wide range of conditions including extreme weather events. 

Topic Areas

  • Adaptive materials and dynamic assemblies suitable for building envelope systems
  • Thermal storage materials suitable for buildings
  • Building-integrated PV systems
  • Dynamic glazed facades
  • Advanced and modulating appliances and hot water systems
  • Hybrid daylight solid-state lighting systems
  • Hybrid HVAC systems
  • Optimized controls of HVAC systems
  • Low-power and/or passive adaptation measures for resilient buildings
  • Smart integration of Distributed Energy Resources in buildings

Special Issue Publication Dates

Paper submission deadline: April 30, 2025
Initial review completed: May 31, 2025
Publication date: November 2025

Submission Instructions

Papers should be submitted electronically to the journal through the ASME Journal Tool. If you already have an account, log in as an author and select Submit Paper. If you do not have an account, you can create one here

Once at the Paper Submittal page, select the Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities, and then under the Special Issue field, select Special Issue on Adaptive and Smart Energy Systems for Sustainable and Resilient Buildings.

Papers received after the deadline or papers not selected for the Special Issue may be accepted for publication in a regular issue.

Guest Editors

Moncef Krarti, Professor and Director, Building Energy Smart Technologies, University of Colorado Boulder (krarti@colorado.edu)

Ravi A Kishore, Senior Research Engineer, Building Technologies and Science Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Ravi.Kishore@nrel.gov)

Subbu Sethuvenkatraman, Energy Research Unit, Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization (subbu.sethuvenkatraman@csiro.au)

Zilong Zhao, Senior Modeling and Simulation Engineer, Trane Technologies (zilong.zhao@tranetechnologies.com)

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