Special Issue on Methods for Automatic Generation of Nonlinear Models and Their Solution

Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
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Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Nonlinearities and uncertainties are inherent in many real-world applications, introducing significant challenges in the modeling, analysis, and prediction of dynamic system behavior. These complexities arise from factors such as material properties, external disturbances, geometric nonlinearities, and unmodeled dynamics, making accurate representation and solution of such systems particularly difficult. Developing robust modeling frameworks and efficient computational techniques is essential for capturing the complex behaviors of nonlinear dynamic systems and ensuring reliable performance predictions.

The goal of this special issue is to present recent advances and emerging developments in modeling strategies for dynamic systems with uncertain nonlinearities. This includes systems with unknown types of nonlinearities as well as those with an uncertain degree of known nonlinearities. Additionally, the special issue highlights analytical and numerical methods for solving these complex problems. This issue covers a broad spectrum of nonlinear problems across various domains, including mechanical, aerospace, electrical, microelectromechanical, physical, biological, structural, and other engineering systems.

Topic Areas

  • Automatic generation of nonlinear models, including data-driven methods, artificial intelligence, (physics-informed) machine learning, and techniques for discovering governing equations.
  • Nonlinear system identification, including methods for system parameter estimation, integration of first-principles modeling with data-driven approaches, and uncertainty quantification for structured models.
  • Development of solution methods, including numerical, analytical, and hybrid approaches for determining the responses of nonlinear models.

Special Issue Publication Dates

Paper submission deadline: August 1, 2025
Initial review completed: October 1, 2025
Publication date: April 2026

Submission Instructions

Papers should be submitted electronically to the journal through the ASME Journal Tool. If you already have an account, log in as an author and select Submit Paper. If you do not have an account, you can create one here

Once at the Paper Submittal page, select the Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, and then under the Special Issue field, select Special Issue on Methods for Automatic Generation of Nonlinear Models and Their Solution.

Papers received after the deadline or papers not selected for the Special Issue may be accepted for publication in a regular issue.

Guest Editors

Meng-Hsuan Tien, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (mhtien@pme.nthu.edu.tw)

Akira Saito, Meiji University, Japan (asaito@meiji.ac.jp)

Paolo Tiso, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (ptiso@ethz.ch)

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