Podcast: What Employers Want Engineers to Know

Podcast: What Employers Want Engineers to Know

Gabriella Coloyan Fleming and Abdulrahman Alsharif join ASME Techcast to discuss the technical and professional skills students need to move from higher education into their engineering careers.
Gabriella Coloyan Fleming, research scientist, and Abdulrahman Alsharif, Ph.D. candidate, join ASME Techcast. The pair of researchers discuss their focus on job descriptions and the frequencies of various professional and technical skills for biomedical, civil, chemical, electrical, environmental, and mechanical engineers with bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. degrees.

Fleming from the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Va. and a team of researchers published “What engineering employers want: An analysis of technical and professional skills in engineering job advertisements” in the Journal of Engineering Education. Alshaif is using his extensive experience to improve higher education through natural language processing (NLP), generative AI, and big data.


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