ASME’s First Annual Community Impact Month Was a Success

ASME’s First Annual Community Impact Month Was a Success

In April, nearly 700 individuals around the globe participated in 27 service projects in seven countries as part of ASME First Annual Community Impact Month.
ASME hosted its first annual Community Impact Month this April to celebrate ASME Founders Day (April 7) and National Volunteer Week through a global service initiative realized at the local level. Community Impact Month boasted service projects in which members participated and served in their local communities through their ASME sections, which are local communities of members. 

Over 700 individuals participated in 27 service projects across seven countries in this inaugural year of the program. The service projects included nature restoration, volunteering at food banks, educational outreach programs for children, fundraisers, food drives, and public space beautification. Service projects were organized by volunteer leaders of local sections with support from ASME. 

The ASME Los Angeles professional section worked with local ASME student sections from UC-Irvine, CSU Long Beach and CSU Northridge coming together to do a beach cleanup. Photo by Shawn Miller
In addition to serving their communities, ASME Community Impact Month gave students and members an opportunity to connect with one another in a non-technical setting. 
"Many new faces came out to support ASME and Earth Month to volunteer at the LA Professional Section Beach Cleanup at Santa Monica. It was incredibly inspiring to see ASME members both as professionals and students come together from all over the greater Los Angeles County to support both ASME and the Earth," said Alexander Pak, chair of the ASME Los Angeles Professional Section.

Texas A&M student participated in the ASME Blanket Making Social where they made blankets for children in need within their local community.
In total, 18 student sections and 15 professional sections participated in ASME Community Impact Month in 2024. 

Balmer Molinares, chair of the ASME Universidad del Norte Student Section in Barranquilla, Colombia, said, “Being able to collaborate and impact our local community means a lot. In this specific case, to participate actively one day with the children near the university, and on a date as important as Children’s Day, leaves an indelible mark in our hearts and in our memories.” The student section partnered with the campus’ Circle K Chapter to organize a STEM outreach activity, games, and lunch for over 50 children on Colombia’s national Children’s Day (April 27). 

ASME Community Impact Month was created and supported by the ASME Section Operations team, which works to engage members in their local communities by supporting local volunteers and providing operational structure, resources, and programs. To support and facilitate this new program, the Section Operations team created service project planning guides and customized promotional materials, assisted in project planning, supplied stickers and t-shirts (U.S. and Colombia), and distributed over $5,000 USD in local outreach grants to fund projects. Staff from the Section Operations team traveled to participate in 11 service projects. 

As April emphasizes volunteering, ASME staff worldwide were encouraged to volunteer as well. Multiple Employee Resource Groups (ERG), office teams, and individuals served their communities during this time. Projects included a Pajama & Storybook Fundraising campaign hosted by the Black Empowerment Network ERG, a park clean-up hosted by the Hispanic Organization for Leadership and Achievement ETG, serving food at The Bowery Mission through the Global Alliance Board Operations Business Unit, and creating care packages at The Bread of Life through the Houston office. 

ASME supports volunteerism by providing eligible staff with up to three paid days to volunteer with organizations of their choice. 

Find more photos from ASME Community Impact Month here.

Learn more about ASME Sections here

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