ASME President's Award Recipients

Established in 1998, the ASME President's Award is presented to individuals and companies who have demonstrated significant contributions to the engineering profession. Among the past recipients are astronauts, legislators, and standards groups and companies who have made a difference for ASME and the profession to excel at what it does.


1998-99 Neal F. Lane
Sheila E. Widnall
1999-00 Karl S. Pister
William A. Wulf
2000-01 Daniel S. Goldin
National Institute for Standards and Technology
2001-02 William E. Cooper
Dean Kamen
2002-03 Keith Roe
Shirley Jackson
2003-04 US Military Academy at West Point
US Naval Academy at Annapolis
US Coast Guard Academy
2004-05 Westinghouse Corp.
Sen. Jeff Bingaman
Joe Bordogna
John H. Sununu
Don Zwiep
2005-06 Bernard Meyers
John Swanson
Rep. Sherwood Boehlert
2006-07 Mike Cronin
Rep. Rush Holt
2007-08 Rep. Judy Biggert
Rep. Silvestre Reyes
2008-09 Buzz Aldrin
Michael Collins
2009-10 Neil Armstrong
Hon. Ted Kaufman
2011- 12 Lu Yansun
2012-13 Lamar Alexander
2013-14 Patrick D. Gallagher
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
2014-15 John Hockenberry
2016-17 Rep. Christopher Coons
2018-19 Rep. Thomas W. Reed
Rep. Timothy John Ryan


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