All-new AM Tech Forum Offers “Crash Course” in the Latest 3D Printing Technology, June 17

All-new AM Tech Forum Offers “Crash Course” in the Latest 3D Printing Technology, June 17

ASME hosts virtual event featuring up to 30 new product demonstrations and best-in-class AM Innovation Awards to help engineers and manufacturers in a variety of industries keep pace with the rapidly developing world of 3D printing
NEW YORK, April 29, 2021 –Additive manufacturing/3D printing technologies are rapidly developing, as companies apply the technology to produce end-use parts, functional prototypes, and more in industries from aerospace to consumer goods. Although the pandemic is believed to have caused a considerable slowdown in the industry, overall AM products and services worldwide grew by 7.5% to $12.758 billion in 2020, compared to 21.2% in 2019, according to Wohlers Associates, Inc.
To help engineers, product designers, manufacturers, and technology professionals stay up to speed with these developments, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) hosts the all-new AM Tech Forum on Thursday, June 17, 2021. The interactive virtual event will feature up to 30 new product and service demonstrations and connect participants with experts and solutions to their AM challenges in a no-pressure environment. Confirmed sponsors/exhibitors include Carbon, GE Additive, and many more. ASME will accept proposals for additional product demonstrations through May 7.

The event also will showcase “best-in-class” products with the AM Innovation Awards. Attendees and a judging panel of AM industry experts in medical devices, aerospace, automotive, energy, consumer goods and other sectors will score technology demonstrations across multiple criteria and provide valuable feedback. AM Innovation Award winners in each of four categories along with a “Customer Choice Award” selected by attendees will be announced at the culmination of the event.

“It’s difficult to keep up to date in this field with the number of mergers and acquisitions, the speed of new technology development, and new product launches,” says Debbie Holton, ASME’s managing director of industry events. “Engineers and manufacturers in a variety of industries need to know what’s available, what their options are, and they want to see the equipment. We’re excited to deliver a crash course in what they need to know now in AM technology, what’s new, different, and cutting edge.”
ASME has formed strategic alliances with America Makes and the Association for Manufacturing Technology to present the AM Tech Forum and offer other AM resources.
Visit for more information.

About ASME
ASME helps the global engineering community develop solutions to real world challenges.  Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit professional organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in society. ASME codes and standards, publications, conferences, continuing education, and professional development programs provide a foundation for advancing technical knowledge and a safer world.  ASME recently formed the International Society of Interdisciplinary Engineers (ISIE) LLC, a new for-profit subsidiary to house business ventures that will bring new and innovative products, services, and technologies to the engineering community. For more information, visit

     @ASMEdotorg #additivemanufacturing #3Dprinting
Media contact:            
Monica Shovlin
MCShovlin Communications LLC (for ASME)
+1 541.554.3796


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