ASME Enters Harmonization Agreement with CSA and ASSE on Five Plumbing Standards

ASME Enters Harmonization Agreement with CSA and ASSE on Five Plumbing Standards

NEW YORK, March 18, 2010 – ASME has signed an agreement with the American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE) and CSA Standards to harmonize five standards concerning automatic compensating valves, anti-siphon fill valves, trap seal primers, pressurized flushing devices (flushometers), and water temperature limiting devices.

The agreement is designed to help bring clarity to the plumbing community, especially to the manufacturers of devices covered by the harmonized standards.

The agreement between the three organizations states that the purpose of the harmonized standards is to assist U.S. and Canadian manufacturers by eliminating duplicate efforts of writing standards for the same products in different countries. This will allow each product to be designed, manufactured, and tested to a common standard.

It also will help provide assurance of consistent, high quality products, help reduce costs (for producers and consumers), and help to provide a common basis for product comparisons.

The first harmonized standard, for Performance Requirements for Automatic Compensating Valves for Individual Showers and Tub/Shower Combinations, is expected to be completed and ready for distribution later this year.

Each of the ASME / ASSE / CSA harmonized standards will allow comparable testing of products for the U.S. and Canadian markets. The harmonized standards have an ultimate goal of requiring compliance to one standard and one test, providing a fair process for assessment for manufacturers and buyers in different countries, and helping maintain or improve on the current level of product performance.

The harmonized standards will be maintained on an ongoing basis to address new technologies, allow for regional or regulatory differences, and move towards performance-based requirements and standards.

Background The signed harmonization agreement between CSA, ASME, and ASSE went into effect December 1st, 2009. The initial effort to develop joint standards began in October of 1991 when CSA and ASSE signed a Memorandum of Understanding. After several years of collaboration, a Joint Harmonization Task Group was formed in 2007 to harmonize the requirements of ASME A112.18.1-2005 / CSA B125.1-05, Plumbing supply fittings, and ASSE 1016, Performance Requirements for Automatic Compensating Valves for Individual Showers and Tub/Shower Combinations. During these meetings, it became evident that an agreement between CSA, ASME, and ASSE would be necessary to lay the ground rules for harmonizing documents. On April 22, 2009, representatives of the three organizations held a meeting to set the agreement in motion and begin the harmonization process which ultimately led to the joint agreement.

About ASME ASME helps the global engineering community develop solutions to real world challenges. Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit professional organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in society. ASME codes and standards, publications, conferences, continuing education and professional development programs provide a foundation for advancing technical knowledge and a safer world.


ASME Contact: John Varrasi or 212.591.8158

Media contact: Regina Nisita or 212.398.9680 ext 145

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