ASME to Hold a Workshop For the Nuclear Power Industry on Seismic Hazard Design

ASME to Hold a Workshop For the Nuclear Power Industry on Seismic Hazard Design

NEW YORK, June 15, 2012 – ASME has announced a workshop that will assist engineers at U.S. nuclear power plants to understand a set of recommendations from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on assessing and evaluating seismic and flooding hazards.

Set for June 21, 2012, in Augusta, Ga., the special workshop will address two urgent recommendations issued by the NRC Fukushima Near-Term Task Force – Recommendation 2.1 on seismic evaluation and Recommendation 2.3 on seismic walkdown.

Titled Seismic Hazard Design Based on Post-Fukushima and GI-199 Seismic Evaluations, the workshop also will cover deterministic and probabilistic methods, seismic response evaluations, seismic fragility determination, and margin analysis.

The Augusta Riverfront Marriott is the venue for the workshop, which is part of the ASME Nuclear Technical Seminars: Blueprint for New Build program.  Bryan Erler, chair of the Society’s Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards Task Force on Design Basis and Severe Accident Response, and Ram Srinivasan of the energy firm Areva, will lead the workshop.

For information and to register for the workshop, visit the Web site,

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