A Message from America's Engineering Associations
A Message from America's Engineering Associations
It is clear to all who work in America’s engineering fields that immigration has played a vital role in advancing technological innovation in our country. America’s growth and prosperity has unquestionably been enhanced by the talents, dedication and hard work of people from nations across the globe. In fact, one of America’s great competitive advantages has been the ease with which our country can attract talented students, collaborators, researchers and professionals. These students in particular have contributed enormously to the success of our higher education system.
Moreover, innovation is easier in an environment that encourages the free flow of people and ideas. Such an environment is brought about by a visa system that is transparent, predictable and fair. While our immigration system must also protect Americans from those who wish us harm, as well as protect our national security interests, it must also take into account our economy’s need for openness and accessibility.
With this in mind, AAES, ABET, AIAA, AIChE, ANS, ASABE, ASCE, ASEE, ASME, HFES, IEEE-USA, OSA, SAE, SPIE and TMS encourage the Administration and Congress to work with all interested parties to ensure that our country's visa and immigration systems maintain the flow of individuals and ideas upon which our country's prosperity and progress depend.
February 2017