Social Impact Hardware Innovators from Around the World Invited to Apply for Annual ASME Innovation Showcase by Feb. 20 Deadline

Social Impact Hardware Innovators from Around the World Invited to Apply for Annual ASME Innovation Showcase by Feb. 20 Deadline

Finalists Earn a Chance to Accelerate Time-to-Market for Their Innovations for Sustainable Development with $500,000 in Seed Grants and Technical Support

New York, February 7, 2020 – The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is currently accepting applications from social entrepreneurs focusing on hardware innovations for the 2020 ASME Innovation Showcase (ISHOW). The prestigious global hardware accelerator is open to individuals and organizations taking physical products to market that will have a positive social and environmental impact, improving the quality of life around the world. Previous finalists and winners have developed affordable devices to address issues including clean combustion, crop threshing, fetal health, food waste prevention, grain testing, health diagnostics, safe drinking water, and more.

Winners share $500,000 U.S. in seed grants, travel stipends, and in-kind and technical support, including a design and engineering review led by industry experts. The deadline for applications is February 20. Nine finalists are chosen for each of three regional events from hundreds of applications received each year. Finalists will participate in regional events on April 16 in Bengaluru, India, May 6 in Nairobi, Kenya, and June 25 in Washington, D.C., U.S., and three winners will be chosen at each event.

Applicants should have an existing prototype and interest in financial/technical support and access to industry networks that can assist in taking their product to market. More information and resources for interested applicants are available at

“We are proud to offer a forum for engineering problem-solving that truly improves lives,” said ASME Executive Director/CEO Tom Costabile. “We are continually impressed by the creative talent of ASME ISHOW participants and their passion for helping underserved communities around the world.”

ASME’s panel of judges includes a group of successful entrepreneurs, academics, engineers, designers, investors, and industry representatives from leading organizations in India, Kenya, and the United States such as Ankur Capital, Gearbox, Philips, USAID, Villgro and Villgro Kenya.

“The quality of applicants to the ISHOW has improved consistently since we started, so we are excited to review the candidates in 2020,” says Iana Aranda, director of ASME’s Engineering for Global Development sector and president of Engineering for Change (E4C), the groups that design and deliver the annual ISHOW. “With a decade left to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, these innovators are essential contributors to meeting the targets.”

ASME is grateful to The Lemelson Foundation for its continued support of the ISHOW as the Impact Inventing sponsor, and to ISHOW implementation partners around the globe. 

Follow the journeys of ISHOW alumni including PayGo, QuickSee, SignIO and others on Medium.

         @ASMEISHOW  #ISHOW20  #ThisIsHardware

About ASME
ASME helps the global engineering community develop solutions to real world challenges.  Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit professional organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in society.  ASME codes and standards, publications, conferences, continuing education and professional development programs provide a foundation for advancing technical knowledge and a safer world.  For more information, visit

About Engineering for Change (E4C)
Engineering for Change is a global community and knowledge organization working to prepare, educate and activate the international engineering workforce to improve the quality of life of underserved communities around the world. We do this by providing resources and platforms that accelerate the development of impactful solutions and ensure public health and safety around the globe. For more information, visit


Media Contact:

Monica Shovlin
MCShovlin Communications LLC (for ASME)
+1 541-554-3796

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