GDTP (Y14.5) - Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Professional Certification
Current Applicant or Certified
Log in to ASME PC-ConnectStart your Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerances Professional (GDTP) journey today.
Ready to take your engineering career to the next level? As a skilled user of GD&T you can ensure your design functional and quality requirements will be met by clearly communicating maximum allowable tolerances to manufacturers. Demonstrate your mastery of GD&T by achieving a GDTP certification. Gain a competitive edge by joining an elite group of engineering professionals who excel at dimensional engineering.
Professional Certificate Success Stories
Which Certification is right for me?
Are you responsible for creating or understanding engineering drawings in your role? Whether you're a Quality Inspector, Manufacturing Engineer, CAD Designer, or any other technical professional, GDTP certification can help you master the precise language of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, to improve your company’s bottom line and reduce manufacturing-related headaches. ASME offers two levels of GDTP certification, tailored to the widely used Y14.5-2009 or Y14.5-1994 standards.

Technician Level
Demonstrate competencies in reading & interpreting engineering drawings.
Apply Today
Take the first step, purchase your application today.
Certification Name |
Price |
Technologist Level |
$520 |
GDTP – 1994 Technologist level |
GDTP – 2009 Technologist level |
Senior Level |
$623 |
GDTP – 1994 Senior level |
GDTP – 2009 Senior level |
Please note that by purchasing the exam package, you are purchasing the right to take the exam. Your eligibility to take the exam will be evaluated, and if you do not qualify, the package price will be refunded to you. |
As an engineer, you know that manufacturing success hinges on clear communication. This is where GD&T comes in - the essential shared language that ensures your designs are manufactured as intended. Advance your GD&T knowledge to design with confidence and manufacture with necessary precision to achieve a competitive edge. Whether you're working across disciplines, stages of production, or global plants, proper application of GD&T techniques can make all the difference across the lifecycle: from tooling, production to QC & final inspection. Make design precision a priority, experience the benefits of advanced GD&T firsthand.
Certification is currently based on either the 1994 or 2009 revisions of the ASME Y14.5 Dimensioning and Tolerancing Standard, its appendices, and the application of its principles and practices.
Technologist Level Certification indicates that the individual has demonstrated competencies in:
- Understanding the rules, definitions, principles, and meanings of the symbols and modifiers of GD&T as applied to engineering drawings and related documentation
- Understanding the functions and relationships of part features and geometric controls
- Performing calculations associated with GD&T derived from the drawing and related documentation
- Understanding that the application of GD&T has implications for manufacturing, quality control, and verification processes associated with engineering drawings and related documentation
- Applying the principles of GD&T to the establishment of functional gaging activities
Senior Level Certification indicates that the individual has demonstrated competencies in:
- Understanding the meaning of the symbols, modifiers, and relationships of GD&T as applied to engineering drawings and related documentation.
- Making the proper selection with consideration for the function and relationship of part features and of geometric controls, to document the product design intent.
- Performing calculations associated with GD&T to determine geometric requirements.
- Applying the appropriate geometric control symbols, modifiers, and datum references to the engineering drawings and related documentation.
- Applying the principles of GD&T to the operations of manufacturing, quality control, and verification processes associated with engineering drawings and related documentation.
- Applying the principles of GD&T to the establishment of functional gaging activities.
In addtion to purchasing directly on this page. You may also use one of the following methods:
- Purchase Order – A purchase order (PO) may be used to submit four or more applicants. The PO must be from a Canadian or U.S. client and be for 4 or more applicants. If you are submitting 10 or more applicants, there is a 10% discount applied. Please follow the instructions on the form to submit your applicants and purchase order. You will need to provide each applicant's mailing address and email address.
- Pay by Phone: ASME Customer Care, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EDT: 1.800.843.2763 (U.S./Canada) 1.646.616.3100 (outside U.S./Canada) Please be prepared to provide your: Contact information (name, title, organization, mailing address, email, phone). Credit card information, Preferred GDTP certification: Technologist vs. Senior, Y14.5-2009 vs. Y14.5-1994
- Check/Money Order – Follow the instructions on the form to submit one or more applicants using a check or money order. You will need each applicant’s physical mailing address, as well as their email address.
You will receive a payment confirmation email shortly after submitting the fee.
Note: Before you purchase your certification online and create an account, review the three options below to see which option applies to you:
1. You may already have an account: If you’ve ever completed an ASME certification, been on an ASME Committee, taken ASME courses or attended workshops, chances are you’re already in our system, even in this is your first time seeing this screen. Please use the Forgot Password option before creating a new account.
2. You are unsure whether you already have an account: Please email: to confirm your account details and get your user name and password or call: 1.800.843.2763 (U.S./Canada, toll free); 001.843.2763 (Mexico, toll free); 1.646.616.3100 (outside North America)
3. This is your first time using any ASME system: If so, please create a new account per the sign-on screen.
ASME GDTP Pricing Structure
- As ASME-PC Connect is an email centric system, it is imperative that you keep ASME informed of any change to the email address you use to access your record. Failure to do so will exclude you from accessing your account and you will not receive maintenance emails regarding your certification. (Please refer to the sign-in screen of ASME-PC Connect for information regarding changing your email address.)
- Need to keep ASME updated with 'primary email' address at all times.
- ASME maintains a zero-tolerance policy for an expired certificate.
- Applicants need to apply using their legally recognized and substantiable name per official documents. Should your legal forms of identity not conform to what you entered, you must immediately contact ASME to have your name format corrected to match the identification documents.
- ASME uses an on-line, real time certification validation process. Certificate holders have access to digital images of their respective certification(s) as well as the real-time verification of their certification.
- Purchase examination: Order activated with corresponding 'welcome' email. If you do not create an examination account in ASME-PC Connect, applicant is entitled to a 100% refund of purchase amount back to source of payment. Applicants are required to complete and submit an application for ASME review within one year of the purchase date of the exam. Failure to do so will result in the application being closed and refund of unused funds.
- Creating an application: If you have signed into ASME-PC Connect and created an examination application, the applicant will have one year (365 days) to submit an application for ASME review. Failure to submit this application will have the application expunged from the system and forfeiture of all submitted funds.
- Examination processing: Upon acceptance into the examination program, candidate will be assigned a six months (180 day) eligibility period. The candidate must execute the exam by the end of this period or the ability to take the exam will incur a reinstatement fee. Should the candidate request another attempt at executing an exam, they are required to submit a reinstatement fee. This will provide another six month (180 day) eligibility. Applicants are limited in the number of reinstatements. Should an application extend beyond the one year anniversary date of acceptance, the application will be closed with forfeiture of all submitted funds. Failure to adhere to the rules regarding the scheduling, rescheduling or of a nature that the exam was not executed due to a failure to follow policy, the candidate will be required to submit a reinstatement fee to unlock their record and be allowed to execute the exam.
- Recertification process:Certificants are notified of the expiration date on their certification. Stating at six months (180 days), ASME will provide you with a complimentary reminder to complete the recertification process prior to the expiration. Certificants are reminded that ASME has a zero-tolerance policy regarding certificates which have expired, regardless of a completed yet unsubmitted recertification application for ASME review.
Please refer to the ASME-PC Connect GDTP User’s Guide for in-depth guidance on submitting an online application. Please note that there is a one year time limit to complete and submit an application. Failure to do so within the year will entitle the applicant to a partial refund upon request.
All information supplied on this application is subject to verification. Certification may be revoked by ASME for reasons of falsifying or providing inaccurate information during the certification process.
Once your application has been accepted, you will receive an email with instructions on how to schedule your exam at a conveniently located Prometric Testing Center. There is a time limit of 180 days to schedule the exam. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of all funds. Candidates may request and pay for an additional 180 days if there is no scheduled appointment with Prometric and it is requested prior the 180th day.
Should a candidate not adhere to the rules outlined in their acceptance letter with respect to cancelling/rescheduling an appointment at a Prometric Test Center, they will be assessed a ‘reinstatement fee’ at the current rate. This will provide a new eligibility cycle on the date the reinstatement fee was processed.
Y14.5 Dimensioning and Tolerancing Standard
ASME Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Course Collection
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Handbook: Applications, Analysis & Measurement
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (per ASME Y14.5-2018)
Study Guide for Certification of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Professionals (GDTP)
Certification indicates that the individual has demonstrated competencies in the understanding of the symbols, modifiers, and relationships of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) as applied to engineering drawings and related documentation.
The The Y14.5-1994 Technologist Level examination is a maximum of four hours in duration consisting of 150 questions. The examination is structured as a closed book, multiple choice, written examination, evaluating the applicant’s knowledge of GD&T principles and practices in accordance with ASME Y14.5-1994 Standard.
The topics and approximate distribution of questions is as follows:
- 10% on Scope, Definitions, and General Dimensioning
- 10% on General Tolerancing and Related Principles.; Knowledge of former practices included in Appendix D of Y14.5-1994
- 5% on Symbology.
- 15% on Datum Referencing
- 30% on Tolerances of Location
- 30% on Tolerances of Form, Profile, Orientation, and Runout
A candidate must achieve at least a 75% grade overall and at least 50% in each of the above categories.
The body of knowledge corresponding to these topics is shown in Appendix A of the Y14.5.2-2017 Standard.
The Y14.5-2009 Technologist Level examination is a maximum of four hours in duration consisting of 150 questions. The examination is structured as a closed book, multiple choice, written examination, evaluating the applicant’s knowledge of GD&T principles and practices in accordance with ASME Y14.5-2009 Standard.
The topics and approximate distribution of questions is as follows:
- 10% on Scope
- 10% on General Tolerancing
- 5% on Symbology
- 20% on Datum Referencing
- 5% on Form
- 5% on Orientation
- 25% on Location
- 15% on Profile
- 5% on Runout
A candidate must achieve at least a 78% grade overall and at least 50% in each of the above categories.
In order to be certified as a Technologist GDTP, applicants must successfully pass the Technologist GDTP Examination. There is no experience requirement.
The body of knowledge corresponding to these topics is shown in Appendix C of the Y14.5.2-2017 Standard.
The Senior Level examination is a maximum of six hours in duration consisting of 150 questions. The examination is structured as a closed book, multiple choice, written examination.
The Senior Level examination will emphasize knowledge, selection and application of the dimensioning and tolerancing principles, concepts and practices.
The topics and approximate distribution of questions will be as follows:
- 10% on topics from the Technologist’s Level examination
- 20% on Datum Selection
- 40% on General Tolerancing and Related Principles, Tolerance Calculation and Appendices
- 15% on Application of Modifiers in Feature Control Frames
- 15% on Composite Positional Tolerancing
A candidate must achieve at least an 80% grade overall and at least 50% in each of the above categories.
The body of knowledge corresponding to these topics is shown in Appendix B of the Y14.5.2-2017 Standard.
The Y14.5-2009 Senior Level examination is a maximum of six hours in duration consisting of 150 questions. The examination is structured as a closed book, multiple choice, written examination.
The Senior Level examination will emphasize knowledge, selection and application of the dimensioning and tolerancing principles, concepts and practices.
The topics and approximate distribution of questions will be as follows:
- 10% on Dimensioning, and Symbology
- 30% on Datum Referencing
- 5% on Form
- 5% on Orientation
- 25% on Location
- 20% on Profile
- 5% on Runout
A candidate must achieve at least a 78% grade overall and at least 50% in each of the above categories.
- Applicants must have five years of documented experience in the field of GD&T in the recognized use of the system in both application and understanding
- Successfully pass the Senior GDTP Examination.
Note: It is not required to be a certified GDTP Technologist to qualify for Senior Level certification. ASME membership is not an exam requirement.
The body of knowledge corresponding to these topics is shown in Appendix D of the Y14.5.2-2017 Standard.
Notification of the results of the examination, including the percentage of correct answers within each part, will be mailed to the applicant within 30 days after the exam. Grades will not be given over the telephone.
In the event that you do not pass the examination, you may take the exam two times in a period of six months.
The certificates will have an expiration date of three years from the date of issuance. Certificate holders are listed on the ASME-PC Connect website.
Please note that successfully passing the 2009 examination does not confer certification to the ASME Y14.5-1994 Standard and successfully passing the 1994 examination does not confer certification to the ASME Y14.5-2009 Standard.
Your certification is valid for three (3) years. The recertification/renewal process will be managed through ASME-PC Connect, allowing you to continue to enjoy the benefits of being certified. Certificate holders who meet the recertification requirements will receive instructions on how to maintain their certification without having to retest. Please refer to the ASME-PC Connect User’s Guide for in-depth guidance on submitting an online application for recertification.
Please contact ASME’s Customer Care for questions: 1.800.843.2763 (U.S./Canada, toll free); 001.843.2763 (Mexico, toll free); 1.646.616.3100 (outside North America)
ASME has established procedures to certify professionals who meet qualifications in
accordance with the requirements of the ASMEY14.5.2–2017. It is the aim of the
Society to provide recognition of those that are so authorized. Those that meet the
qualifications of ASMEY14.5.2–2017 GDTP, are issued a certificate. An individual
holding a GDTP certificate may state this credential in business cards,
correspondence, and advertising literature. It is the aim of the Society to maintain the
standing of the ASME Technologist and Senior Symbols for the benefit of those who
meet the qualifications. Based on these objectives, the following policy has been
established on the usage in advertising of facsimiles of the symbols. The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any
item, construction, or activity that is manufactured, designed, or performed by an
individual who holds a GDTP certificate. An organization with representatives holding
GDTP certificates, and therefore authorized to use the respective symbol, must state
in advertising literature that “the (instructor, editor, or author) is GDTP certified by
ASME in accordance with the qualifications of ASMEY14.5.2–2017 in the (Senior or
Technologist) level”. The ASME GDTP Senior or Technologist Symbol shall be used
only in media which distinctly designates that there is/are certified individual(s) within
an organization. It is strictly prohibited to use the ASME GDTP Senior or Technologist
symbol in media, where there is no individual, or individuals certified in GDTP by
ASME. It is also strictly prohibited to present oneself, or an organization as
employees, or an employee, of ASME. The ASME logo, which is the cloverleaf with the
letters ASME within, shall not be used by any organization other than ASME.