Ongoing Development of Model-Based Enterprise Standards Activities

Ongoing Development of Model-Based Enterprise Standards Activities

Since the April 2017 Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) Summit hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a teleconference was held under the guidance of the Board on Standardization and Testing to plan the establishment of a new committee to develop standards for the creation and use of model-based datasets, data models, and related topics with a MBE. The proposed committee area of concentration would include: types of models and their intended uses; rules for representing requirements and constraints; types of features and data elements for model-based datasets; schemas for datasets; creating, managing and using product definition and process definition data; managing links between product definition and process definition; rules governing data quality; managing discrepancies (between existing standards, data format standards, and other standards that affect Model-Based Definition (MBD) and MBE).

ASME is currently soliciting subject matter experts and affected stakeholders to help support these efforts.

For more information, contact Fredric Constantino (+1.212.591.8684).

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