ASME Apollo, GTTC and South Texas Sections: IEEE/ASME/AIAA/INCOSE July 2022 Joint Meeting
July 28 6:30PM - July 28 8:30PM, 2022
28 July 6:30 - 28 July 8:30, 2022
IEEE Houston Presents: PATENT LAW BASICS - IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ENGINEERS, SCIENTISTS, AND MANAGERS. This is a joint meeting with IEEE/ ASME / INCOSE / AIAA in-person meeting. Advance registration is strongly recommended. This presentation is an introductory primer on patent law and practice for scientists, engineers, and managers involved in business and technology. The presentation will provide an overview of patent protection and covers the fundamentals of how to identify and document an invention and apply for a patent application. In particular, attendees will become familiar with the types of patent applications, patentability requirements, the parts of a patent application, and the prosecution process for getting a patent application allowed before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Questions are requested to be submitted to Moriah directly prior to the meeting to help guide the content of the presentation.
Venue & Location
Hilton Houston North
12400 Greenspoint Dr.
Houston, Texas, USA
In person event on July 28, 2022 at 6:30pm Central Time (U.S. & Canada)
Event Host
ASME Apollo Subsection / Gas Turbine Technical Chapter / South Texas Section - Houston, TX, USA
Additional Information
This event is being organized by volunteers of the ASME section. ASME in-person activities will follow the state and local laws, regulations and guidelines regarding COVID-19 applicable to the location of the event.
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