ASME Apollo Subsection and South Texas Gas Turbine Technical Chapter: Solutions for LNG/Oil/Gas Fields Dealing with Inlet Air Chilling & Sour Gas Treatment
January 25 6:30PM - January 25 9:00PM, 2023
25 January 6:30 - 25 January 9:00, 2023
ASME Apollo/GTTC Joint Hybrid Meeting on January 25, 2023. With speakers Randy Barnett & Mike Kennedy / JCI. Energy consumption is increasing. According to a recent US Energy Information Administration's (EIA) report, International Energy Outlook, world energy consumption will see growth of 56% between 2010 and 2040. The report states that natural gas is the fastest growing fossil fuel, with global consumption increasing by 1.7% yearly. Higher demand will mean higher costs in the future. Gas-turbine generators are the most environmentally clean way to generate electricity using a fossil fuel. To meet the growing demand for power, adding additional gas-turbine generators seems like a logical option. However, siting new capacity is capital-intensive and can involve long permitting periods. A better strategy is to enhance the output of existing generators by using Turbine Inlet Cooling (TIC) — a far less costly alternative. This technical presentation will review the basics of and potential for this important concept. Additional discussions will address sour gas treatment in similar applications utilizing modular solutions.
Venue & Location
Johnson Controls
8323 N. Eldridge Parkway
Suite #120
Houston, Texas, USA
In person + virtual event on January 25, 2023 at 6:30pm Central Time. Visit the link above to learn how to register. Meeting Agenda: • 6:30 PM CDT Sign-In at JCI Office (In-person) & Hot Catered Dinner (In-person) - NO SHOP TOUR • 7.30 PM CDT Business Announcements and Presentation (In-Person and Online) • 8:30 PM CDT Adjourn
Event Host
ASME Apollo Subsection / Gas Turbine Technical Chapter / South Texas Section - Houston, TX, USA
Additional Information
This event is being organized by volunteers of the ASME section. ASME in-person activities will follow the state and local laws, regulations and guidelines regarding COVID-19 applicable to the location of the event.
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