ASME/Brazil Nuclear Workshop
In collaboration with the Brazilian Association for the Development of Nuclear Activity and the ABDAN NT2E - Nuclear Trade & Technology Exchange in Rio De Janeiro Brazil. The workshop is being conducted to facilitate Brazil’s transition of their nuclear power plants to ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards for both construction and inservice inspection and testing. Presenters will cover a variety of ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards as well as BPV IX for welding qualification. This is an excellent learning and networking opportunity to hear from some of the leading ASME Nuclear Standards Experts and to interface with future stakeholders. The ASME/Brazil Nuclear Workshop will be a free event open to the public. For more information on the Workshop, please contact Oliver Martinez at .
Venue & Location
SulAmérica Matriz RJ
R. Beatriz Larragoiti Lucas
Cidade Nova
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
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