ASME Greenville Section: Plastic Lined Piping - An Economical Solution to Tough Process Piping Conditions
January 27 6:30PM - January 27 8:30PM, 2022
27 January 6:30 - 27 January 8:30, 2022
Join the Greenville Section and speaker David Yanik for a presentation on plastic-lined piping, a relatively obscure niche product. This presentation will give an overview of the product and its applications. A particular focus will be PTFE-lined pipe, which has numerous interesting manufacturing techniques. David Yanik is Product Engineering Manager at Crane Resistoflex in Marion, North Carolina, U.S. In addition to writing numerous technical papers on the subject of corrosion resistant hose and piping, he is co-author of the 2016 book entitled “Design, Installation, Maintenance and Inspection of Metallic Plastic Lined Piping.” published by the Materials Technology Institute. He has two patents for products related to corrosion resistant piping. He holds a Master of Engineering degree from North Carolina State University.
Venue & Location
Virtual event on January 27, 2022 at 6:30pm EST (U.S & Canada)
Event Host
ASME Greenville Section - Greenville, SC, USA
Additional Information
This event is being organized by volunteers of the ASME section.
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