ASME Metro Detroit Section: The History, Status & Future of Virtual Product Development: An Automotive Perspective
March 01 5:00PM - March 01 6:00PM, 2023
01 March 5:00 - 01 March 6:00, 2023
As a continuing commitment to provide our members and their associates with the most up to date industry related technical data, ASME Metro Detroit Section Is sponsoring a Virtual event via Zoom covering: The History, Status & Future of Virtual Product Development: An Automotive Perspective. Our Presenter will be Steve Rohde. Steve received his Master’s (1969) and Ph.D. (1970) degrees in Mathematics from Lehigh University. Prior to that he obtained a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from NJIT. Always interested in the automotive area, he joined General Motors Research Laboratories after graduating from Lehigh in 1970. After retiring from GM in 2002, Dr. Rohde joined his son’s company, Quantum Signal, where he was the Director of Engineering Platforms. He was involved in the development and implementation of novel robotic and vehicle control concepts, retiring in 2016. Dr. Rohde is a Fellow of SAE, and of ASME and has authored over 150 publications, edited nine books, and holds several patents. Presentation summary: The virtual vehicle, based on math modeling, has revolutionized design, testing and manufacturing in the automotive industry. This talk discusses the history of virtual product development at GM starting at the middle of the 20th century through the beginning of this century.
Venue & Location
Virtual event on March 1, 2023 at 5:00pm Eastern Time
Event Host
ASME Metro Detroit Section - Detroit, MI, USA
Additional Information
This event is being organized by volunteers of the ASME section.
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