ASME Singapore Section: Lifting? Not just Cranes! (Webinar)
April 27 10:00AM - April 27 11:30AM, 2022
27 April 10:00 - 27 April 11:30, 2022
Presentation will outline the LOLER regulations from the UK, how they came about, how they differ from previous rules and guidance, how LOLER makes it easier to be safe and how the principles are very easily transferable to other industries where lifting and handling is carried out. The presentation will also touch upon the DROPS initiative, which is also of UKCS origin, but is embraced fully here in Asia with its own local administration. Emphasis will be placed on the application of LOLER principles outside Oil & Gas by showing that cranes & lifting is a universal activity across many industries and processes and dropping or mishandling something has the same consequences everywhere! Who should attend? • Lifting Engineers/ Technical Professionals; • Regulatory personnel; • Safety Officers; • PEs; • Any other interested parties. Qualified for 1 PDU by the Professional Engineers Board Singapore (applicable for Singapore-registered PEs). About the Speaker: Duncan Fraser is a Graduate Engineer involved with the energy industry since 1990 and specifically offshore oil & gas since 1996. He was employed by a well-known crane & lifting service provider to the oil & gas industry for 19 years before founding Crane & Lifting Solutions Pte Ltd in Singapore in 2016. His first experience was in the North Sea/UKCS but have been based in APAC since 2003, with periods of living and working in Indonesia and Australia. He has lived and worked in Singapore since 2013. Over the past 25+ years in the field of cranes, lifting and mechanical handling, Duncan have held various engineering/technical posts, from project engineer/senior project engineer to Cranes & Lifting Subject Matter Expert embedded in an oil & gas multi-national company, rising to Engineering Manager in Singapore with his then employer.
Event Host
ASME Singapore Section
Additional Information
This event is being organized by volunteers of the ASME section.
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