American-Made Solar Prize Challenge Accepting Applications for Three-Tiered Ready! Set! Go! Competition
American-Made Solar Prize Challenge Accepting Applications for Three-Tiered Ready! Set! Go! Competition
The American-Made Solar Prize Challenge is soliciting applications under its Ready! Set! Go! Competition. The competition is made up of three progressive challenges designed to foster and strengthen innovation. Interested applicants select a “problem” facing the solar industry that they would like to solve through the Ideation platform and progress through a set of three progressive competitions to hone their solution.
Competitors have 90 days to submit their application to the first step of the competition, the Ready! Challenge. 20-40 winners will be selected, with prize of up to $50,000. Those winners will have 90 days to hone their submission for the Set! Challenge to create a “viable and promising proof of concept.” Five to ten winners will be selected for this next phase of the competition, with prizes of up to $200,000, and up to $75,000 in vouchers. Selected winners will have an additional 90 days to further refine their technology to create a refined prototype and find a partner to perform a pilot test of the prototype for the Go! Challenge. Following the completion of this final challenge, two winners will be selected and will receive a $500,000 prize with up to $75,000 in vouchers.
The competition is open to all interested participants including members of one or multiple organizations, students, university faculty members, small business owners, researchers who legally reside in the U.S.
For further information about the Solar Prize Challenge and to enter, click here: