Autonomous Vehicles Remain a Top Priority with New Report Detailing Suggested Regulations
Autonomous Vehicles Remain a Top Priority with New Report Detailing Suggested Regulations
The Governor’s Highway Safety Administration recently released a new report detailing its recommendations for how to proceed with autonomous vehicle regulations. The report, titled Preparing for Automated Vehicles: Traffic Safety Issues for States, tackles several emerging challenges for autonomous vehicles at the state level. As the report explains, more than 50 companies are currently working on vehicles that can operate independently without a driver.
The report explains that this technology can be broken down into five levels, with level zero meaning the driver controls the vehicle completely, and level five meaning the vehicle is operated completely autonomously. The report provides a comprehensive explanation of the current projected state of autonomous vehicle technology and regulations through four sections:
- Automated driving system vehicle development status, plans and projections.
- Behavioral Traffic Safety Issues posed by Automated Vehicles.
- What states should do to Prepare for Automated Vehicle Testing and Operations.
- What National Organizations are Doing and Should do to Assist States.
Within each section, along with an explanation of the current technological status are the GHSA’s own recommendations for how to proceed with this technology development in the safest, most efficient way possible.
To view the report in full, click here: