CIA Announces Launch of New Federal Laboratory
CIA Announces Launch of New Federal Laboratory
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has recently announced the launch of a new federal laboratory and in-house research and development arm called CIA Labs. The initiative is meant to drive science and technology breakthroughs for future intelligence challenges. As a federal laboratory, CIA Labs will seek to collaborate with other federal labs and academia and is interested in outreach from such partners.
The new laboratory will allow CIA officers to file for patents and licenses for intellectually property they create while working for the agency. It has been stated that technology focus areas will includ5e G, battery technology, augmented virtual reality, and artificial intelligence and machine learning. As intelligence becomes increasingly technical, the agency wanted to ensure that its entrepreneurs were able to pursue technology in the national interest while making sure they receive the intellectual property rights they deserve.
Dawn Meyerriecks, head of CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology, has said, “Some phenomenal innovations have come from CIA over the years, and with CIA Labs, we’re now better positioned to optimize developments and further invest in our scientists and technologists. In an evolving threat landscape, CIA Labs will help us maintain our competitive edge and protect our nation.”
The CIA Labs official website is up and running, through there is limited information, given the nature of the agency. The website does however include a link to a form where interested parties can submit ideas for research projects and partnerships.