Clean Energy Gets Much Needed Support as House Science Committee Approves ARPA-E Legislation
Clean Energy Gets Much Needed Support as House Science Committee Approves ARPA-E Legislation
The House Committee on Science, Space and Technology recently approved by voice vote H.R. 5906, “The ARPA-E Act of 2018”. The legislation, sponsored by Science Committee Vice Chairman Frank Lucas and Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson, establishes policy for the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) program. ARPA-E is a government agency created in 2009 that falls under the Department of Energy. It is responsible for promoting and funding research and development of advanced energy technologies for the creation and simulation of clean, affordable energy. President Trump had proposed eliminating the program in his Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request, but Congress chose instead to give it a $47 million increase to $353 million.
The ARPA-E Act of 2018 seeks to expand the work of ARPA-E, and invest resources towards developing science and technology solutions to ongoing energy, economic and national security challenges.
During the hearing in which Committee members voted on the bill, Vice Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) stated, “With the right mission goals and management, I believe ARPA-E’s innovative approach can build on the basic science and early-stage research at the department and help fast track new technologies that will grow our economy.”
To view the bill, click here: