Department of Energy Announces New Institute Aimed at Advancing Cybersecurity in Energy Efficiency Manufacturing
Department of Energy Announces New Institute Aimed at Advancing Cybersecurity in Energy Efficiency Manufacturing
The Department of Energy recently announced a $70 million for a new Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute. The aim of the institute is to develop technologies that will hopefully bolster American manufacturing competitiveness, energy efficiency, and innovation. Early-stage research for advancing cybersecurity in energy efficient manufacturing will be a key focus.
In developing the institute, DOE identified two areas of high priority that align with the mission of the institute, and will help manufacturers combat cyberattacks: Securing Automation; and Securing the Supply Chain Network. The Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute will focus on early stage R&D that will provide a greater understanding of cybersecurity threats to greater energy efficiency in manufacturing industries, developing new cybersecurity technologies and methods, and sharing information and knowledge to the broader community of U.S. manufacturers. The Institute will also workforce development programs such as education and training to allow for greater manufacturing energy efficiency.
The institute will be funded by the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office, and be co-managed by the DOE Office of Cybersecurity. DOE announced that it will fund one new award for up to five years. Concept papers are due May 15.
To view the funding application and submission requirements, click here: