Department of Energy Announces RFP for Exascale Computing
Department of Energy Announces RFP for Exascale Computing
Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Rick Perry recently announced a $1.8 billion exascale computer Request for Proposals (RFP). The proposal is seeking the development of at least two new supercomputers for DOE national labs to be implemented in the next three to four years. Last June, Secretary Perry introduced Aurora, the department’s first exascale supercomputer currently being developed at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). This RFP is a joint collaboration between the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and ANL that seeks to expand on Aurora, with one computer at located ORNL, and the other at LLNL.
The chosen systems will expand on current U.S. exascale computing capacities in both computing speed and performance. Secretary Perry said, “They will help ensure America’s continued leadership in the vital area of high performance computing, which is an essential element of our national security, prosperity, and competitiveness as a nation. Funding for this RFP is provided by the DOE Office of Science, and the National Nuclear Security Administration, with applications due May 24.
To view the full RFP, click here: