DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office Looking for Materials that can Withstand Harsh Environments
DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office Looking for Materials that can Withstand Harsh Environments
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced a new Request for Information (RFI) looking for advances in components, systems, and products that can withstand harsh environments and extend service lifetimes. DOE is looking for innovative materials and systems that can withstand high temperatures, corrosive environments, oxidization, and mechanically wearing usage. Much of the equipment used by DOE must be able to operate under these conditions, but furthermore the Department is looking for new materials and systems that can not only operate in harsh conditions, but can withstand the test of time while doing so.
The formal name title of the RFI is “Request for Information on Accelerated Materials R&D, Testing/Qualification, and Cost-Effective Manufacturing Routes for Harsh Service Environments Materials.” The purpose of the RFI is to solicit feedback from industry, academia, research laboratories, government agencies, codes and standards communities, and other stakeholders on issues related to materials and materials manufacturing process technologies that improve system energy efficiency/performance and extend useful life where harsh service conditions exist.
Responses to this RFI must be submitted electronically to no later than 5:00pm (ET) on September 21, 2020. Further details on how interested stakeholders can respond to the RFI are provided here.