DOE Announces $123.6 Million to Bolster Domestic Manufacturing through Innovation

DOE Announces $123.6 Million to Bolster Domestic Manufacturing through Innovation

The Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded 46 projects across 23 states aimed at further developing innovative technologies to improve American manufacturing. Selected projects aim to improve energy efficiency in energy-intensive processes to make the domestic manufacturing sector more cost-competitive. The 46 projects will receive a total of $123.6 million from DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), along with $44.7 million in cost-share (a total investment of $168.3 million).
Awards were made in three areas:
  1. Efficiency Improvements in Advanced Manufacturing Processes ($69.4 million / 27 projects)
  2. Efficiency Improvements in Chemical Manufacturing ($25 million / 8 projects)
  3. Connected, Flexible, and Efficient Manufacturing Facilities, Products, and Energy Systems ($29.1 million / 11 projects)
EERE Assistant Secretary Daniel Simmons says, “Bolstering domestic manufacturing helps make the U.S. economy stronger. These projects will advance DOE’s goal of enhancing manufacturing competitiveness through technological innovation, while helping sustain American leadership in advanced manufacturing.”
Topic areas for awarded projects include:
  • Innovative Iron and Steelmaking Processes
  • Enhanced Efficiency of Drying Processes
  • Machine Learning to Increase Efficiencies in the Manufacturing of Large-Scale, High-Rate Aerostructures
  • Integrated Additive Manufacturing Processes for Advanced Wind Blade Production
  • Reducing Cost of Production of Ceramic Matrix Composites Used in High Temperature Applications
  • Advanced Chemical Manufacturing R&D
  • Dynamic Catalyst Science with Data Analytics
  • Integrating Carbon Capture and Utilization into Industrial Processes
  • Flexible CHP Demonstration in a District Energy System Integrated with a Renewably-Fueled Municipal Generating Station
Two of the five Manufacturing USA institutes led by DOE are partners on one or more projects: The Rapid Advancement in Process Intensification Deployment (RAPID) Institute and the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI).
For a full list of projects, visit:

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