DOE Announces $15 Million for 13 Projects to Address Challenges in Advanced Battery Materials
DOE Announces $15 Million for 13 Projects to Address Challenges in Advanced Battery Materials
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded 13 projects from its Matter Manufacturing Lab Call to receive a total of $15 million in funding over three years. The projects aim to establish public-private partnerships that address engineering challenges for advanced battery materials and devices, with a focus on de-risking, scaling, and accelerating adoption of new technologies. Each project team will be led by a DOE National Laboratory, with Argonne National Laboratory leading 6 projects, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory each leading 2, and Brookhaven National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory leading 1 each.
The program is jointly funded through DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s (EERE’s) Advanced Manufacturing Office. Each project has a private-sector lead partner who is responsible for a 50% const-share. Projects range from scaling halide-type solid electrolytes for solid state batteries to creating a commercially viable process for surface conditioning of high-nickel low-cobalt cathodes, and beyond.
For a full list of industry partners and topics for each award, please visit: