Energy Innovation Takes Top Billing as an Administration Priority
Energy Innovation Takes Top Billing as an Administration Priority
Energy innovation has taken a top position on the administration agenda since the conclusion of the government shutdown. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee recently held a hearing on the “Status and Outlook of Energy Innovation in the United States.” Witnesses at the hearing included Department of Energy (DOE) Undersecretary for Science, Paul Dabbar; Former Secretary of Energy, and current President and CEO of the Energy Futures Initiative Dr. Ernest Moniz; and Former Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy and current President of the United States Council on Competitiveness, Deborah Wince-Smith.
To view an archived webcast of the hearing, click here:
Beyond the hearing, DOE Undersecretary for Science Paul Dabbar also recently released an outline explaining the department’s research and development (R&D) policy managed by the Office of Science. He noted that “In FY2019, SC will continue to invest in a wide variety of pioneering research, including new emphases on several innovative fields with great potential to enhance human wellbeing. Through pioneering research, coordinated with other federal research and development investments, SC will contribute to America’s S&T pre-eminence.”
The outline further explains that DOE SC manages a very robust R&D strategy through the work of six core offices: Advanced Computing Research, Basic Energy Sciences, Biological and Environmental Research, Fusion Energy Sciences, High Energy Physics, and Nuclear Physics. Dabbar explains that the current FY19 R&D policy strategy focused on seven initiatives:
- Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence;
- Quantum Information Science;
- Microelectronics Innovation;
- Fusion Energy;
- Bioscience;
- Isotopes Supply Capabilities; and
- Cross Cutting Enabling Technologies for User Facilities
To view the SC’s R&D Policy in full, click here: