EPA Submits Amended Emissions Standards Proposal
EPA Submits Amended Emissions Standards Proposal
In November 2017, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) submitted a proposal to overrule a 2016 regulation implemented by the Obama administration exempting glider kit trucks from Phase 2 emissions standards. Following the recent close of public opinion submission, the agency must now decide whether or not to move forward with this decision.
Under the proposed legislation, any engine built with one non-new part would cease to fall under the EPA’s jurisdiction. Response to this announcement has been primarily negative, with critics such as state regulators and fuel-efficient truck and engine manufacturers angry because this change will undermine federal air quality standards and energy efficiency incentives. However, glider kit makers welcomed the change. Joe Rajkovacz, Director of Government Affairs and Communication with Western States Trucking Association surmised, “This might be one of those rare victories for small businesses against government intrusion, unwarranted government intrusion into the marketplace based on ideology.”
View the EPA proposal here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-11-16/pdf/2017-24884.pdf