House Appropriations Committee Provides $1.25 Billion Increase to National Institutes of Health for BRAIN Research and Other Initiatives
House Appropriations Committee Provides $1.25 Billion Increase to National Institutes of Health for BRAIN Research and Other Initiatives
The House Appropriations Committee recently marked up its fiscal year 2019 (FY19) Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (LHHS) bill. The marked up version includes a $1.25 billion increase for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) from fiscal year 2018, bringing the FY19 total to $38.3 billion. Within this figure, the bill provides increased funding for several key initiatives under NIH such as a $29 million increase for the Brain Research through Application of Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) initiative, bringing the FY19 total to $429 million. These numbers are similar to the Senate version of the bill, which gave the NIH a $2 billion increase.
The Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund (PHSSEF) received an $860 million increase from FY18, bringing the new total to $2.8 billion. This figure includes $587 million for the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a $50 million increase from FY18.
The Committee also provided the Department of Education with a $43 million increase, bringing the FY19 total to $71 billion. This includes $1.9 billion for career, technical and adult education programs, which is an almost $115 million increase over FY18. Several programs, including the Regional Partnership Grants and Project AWARE State Grants were terminated, but despite these cuts, LHHS Subcommittee Chairman Tom Cole positively reflected on the bill stating “This bill is one that supports and benefits all Americans.”
To view the full mark-up, click here: