Manufacturing USA Institute Announces New Advanced Manufacturing Webinar Series
Manufacturing USA Institute Announces New Advanced Manufacturing Webinar Series
Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow (LIFT), a Detroit-based Manufacturing USA Institute, recently announced that it will be hosting a monthly free webinar series titled “Bringing Mind to Market.” The series will showcase how the institute and its partners are working to ensure the American advanced manufacturing workforce has the tools and know-how to succeed in today’s increasingly technology-driven workplace.
The series will take place on the first Tuesday of each month at 1pm and will feature a mix of education and workforce development experts as they discuss ways to encourage students to pursue advanced manufacturing career paths, as well as how to keep more experienced workers in the field. The webinar comes to fruition amongst an overall challenge many employers in the field are finding that students are graduating ill-equipped to join the workforce.
“The education and workforce development initiatives underway at LIFT are having an impact locally and across the country,” said Emily DeRocco, education and workforce development director, LIFT. “From the outset, they have been designed to be replicable and scalable to be used anywhere across the country. We are excited about the opportunity to share the work we are doing and help others to use the tools we have already developed to support and grow the U.S. manufacturing base.”
The next webinar will take place Tuesday, September 11, and is titled “Ignite— Mastering Manufacturing.” The webinar series runs through the first Tuesday in December.
To register for a webinar in the series, click here: