National Energy Technology Laboratory Advances Experimental Turbine
National Energy Technology Laboratory Advances Experimental Turbine
A project team developing the National Experimental Turbine (NExT), an initiative advanced with support and oversight from the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), has surpassed several key milestones as it builds a first-of-its-kind testing platform for manufacturing a new generation of higher-efficiency gas turbines.
To improve gas turbine performance and efficiency, component cooling, particularly of turbine blades and vanes, is essential. However, the geometries of these and other components are highly proprietary. NExT will address this issue by providing a modern turbine design that can be used by multiple organizations to advance turbine aerodynamics and cooling. The primary goal of the NExT initiative, based at Penn State University’s Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine (START) Lab, is to develop a modern research turbine for U.S. manufacturers and institutions that provides a platform for acquiring detailed data to be used for new design method development and new design concept validation.
Learn more about the NExT program at:
ASME recently convened a congressional briefing on advanced gas turbine research issues. Learn more:
To improve gas turbine performance and efficiency, component cooling, particularly of turbine blades and vanes, is essential. However, the geometries of these and other components are highly proprietary. NExT will address this issue by providing a modern turbine design that can be used by multiple organizations to advance turbine aerodynamics and cooling. The primary goal of the NExT initiative, based at Penn State University’s Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine (START) Lab, is to develop a modern research turbine for U.S. manufacturers and institutions that provides a platform for acquiring detailed data to be used for new design method development and new design concept validation.
Learn more about the NExT program at:
ASME recently convened a congressional briefing on advanced gas turbine research issues. Learn more: