National Institute of Standards and Technology Releases New Draft Paper with Roadmap to Modernizing American Technology Transfer
National Institute of Standards and Technology Releases New Draft Paper with Roadmap to Modernizing American Technology Transfer
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently released a new Draft Green Paper with a roadmap for modernizing the U.S. system of technology transfer and innovation.
Included in this roadmap are a set of 15 actions presumed to stimulate the commercialization of federally funded research and development (R&D). These actions are aligned with the five strategies in the President’s Management Agenda (PMA):
- Identifying regulatory impediments and administrative improvements
- Increasing engagement with private sector experts and investors
- Building a more entrepreneurial R&D workforce
- Supporting innovative tools and services for technology transfer
- Improving understanding of global science and technology
The paper was drafted based on the results of an earlier Request for Information, as well as extensive engagement with stakeholders and review of pertinent research and studies conducted on federal R&D transfer. The original RFI is still available on the NIST website and accepting comments through January 9, 2019. A final version of the draft paper will be released following the closing of the RFI in early 2019.
To view the draft paper in full, click here:
To view the original RFI and leave comments, click here: