National Offshore Wind Goal Envisions 30GW by 2030

National Offshore Wind Goal Envisions 30GW by 2030

As part of the Administration’s infrastructure and climate change investment proposals, the Departments of Energy, Commerce, and the Interior have launched a new National Offshore Wind Goal to coordinate new leasing, funding, and other incentives designed to enable deployment of 30 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity by 2030. The Administration estimates that meeting this target would involve more than $12 billion per year in capital investment in projects on both U.S. coasts, create more than 44,000 jobs in offshore wind by 2030, and create nearly 33,000 additional jobs in communities supported by offshore wind investments. 
To position the domestic offshore wind industry to meet the 2030 target, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) plans to advance new lease sales and complete review of at least 16 Construction and Operations Plans (COPs) by 2025, representing more than 19 GW of new clean energy capacity. BOEM previously announced environmental reviews for Vineyard Wind (MA) and South Fork (RI), and anticipates initiating the environmental reviews for up to 10 additional projects later this year.
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Maritime Administration has also announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity for port authorities and other applicants to apply for $230 million for port and intermodal infrastructure-related projects through the Port Infrastructure Development Program. The DOE’s Loan Programs Office (LPO) released a fact sheet to facilitate access for the offshore wind industry to $3 billion in funding through LPO’s Title XVII Innovative Energy Loan Guarantee Program. The DOE will also play a key role in coordinating wind research activities, including offshore support structure innovation, supply chain development, electrical systems innovation, and mitigation of use conflicts that will help reduce barriers and costs for offshore wind deployment. The National Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium (NOWRDC), created by the DOE and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), has announced the award of $8 million to 15 offshore wind research and development projects that were selected through a competitive process.
As the global wind industry expands, ASME continues to recognize the importance, value, and potential impact of new technologies across the energy sector. ASME’s Wind Digital Solutions Summit is the premier virtual conference exploring how digital technologies’ innovations make wind energy more safe, reliable, and accessible through AI, big data, robotics, and automation. 
For more information on the ASME Wind Digital Solutions Summit, which runs April 20–21, 2021, including information on keynotes and sessions by industry leaders, influencers, technical experts, investors, and policymakers, visit
To view a fact sheet on the Administration’s proposed National Offshore Wind Goal, visit:
To view the full list of projects supported by the DOE Wind Energy Technologies Office, visit:


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