National Science Foundation (NSF) Holds Symposium to Celebrate 70th Anniversary
National Science Foundation (NSF) Holds Symposium to Celebrate 70th Anniversary
To begin a year-long celebration of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) 70th anniversary, NSF held a two-day symposium to spotlight the importance of basic research and the longstanding Federal contribution to science, technology and innovation. The event began with NSF Director France Córdova sharing many accomplishments of NSF in the past seven decades, but she also shared insight into what is needed in order to herald “industries of the future”—such as advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology—out of the lab and into broad use by industry, emphasizing the importance of partnerships across many sectors. Michael Kratsios, White House Chief Technology Officer, and Kelvin Droegemeier, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Director also participated in the symposium.
Mr. Kratsios monitored a panel on “Partnerships to Address National Priorities,” where panelists discussed the importance of forming partnerships to address national priorities, AI and how to build a skilled technical workforce. Later in the day, Mr. Droegemeier spoke on the current place of NSF and the American scientific enterprise, providing a close look into what is to come. Director Córdova also moderated a panel comprised of past NSF Directors, including Subra Suresh (2010 – 2013), Arden Bement (2004 – 2010), Rita Colwell (1998 – 2004), Neal Lane (1993 – 1998), Walter Massey (1991 – 1993), and Richard Atkinson (1977 – 1980). The panel delved into a conversation not only about the agency’s past, but about how NSF can expand into the future.
For more information on each specific panel, or to view a recorded webcast of the event, please visit: