New Report Seeks to Make the National Academies a Pioneer in Public Engagement on Climate Change
New Report Seeks to Make the National Academies a Pioneer in Public Engagement on Climate Change
The Climate Change Initiative (CCI), an initiative launched by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recently released its strategic plan. The Climate Change Initiative Strategic plan seeks to bolster the National Academies’ bandwidth in providing the administration and Congress with accurate scientific and technological counsel. The National Academies created the CCI as a means to:
- More effectively meet the nation’s needs for climate information by being responsive to and engaging with different audiences;
- Identify the National Academies’ particular niche in the broader landscape of climate communication efforts;
- Leverage climate-related work from across the institution to more fully realize the potential of the information to meet user needs;
- Develop innovative approaches to be nimbler and more responsive, and to proactively meet user needs in a rapidly changing context; and
- Advance institutional coordination on this cross-cutting issue
The goal of the report is to promote the National Academies as a thought leader and vehicle for communicating the threats of climate change. This new report bills itself as “a starting point and guidance for advancing how the National Academies engage with audiences about the climate, with the understanding that priorities will be responsive to evaluation and adapted as the institution learns more about its audience and their needs.”
To view the report in full, click here: