PCAST Recommends Significant Increase in Federal AI R&D Spending to Over Next Ten Years
PCAST Recommends Significant Increase in Federal AI R&D Spending to Over Next Ten Years
During a meeting of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) late last month focused on pursuing the administration’s Industries of the Future (IoTF) initiative, the group decided to establish new research and development (R&D) centers to better enable the innovation pipeline and create more cohesiveness between basic and applied research to advance commercialization of innovative technologies. To begin this initiative, PCAST recommends creating two flagship institutes, one focused on using artificial intelligence (AI) to advance manufacturing, and one focused on using AI to advance biotechnology. To this end, PCAST also recommended growing Federal investment in AI R&D by 10x over 10 years, increasing from $1 billion in 2020, to $10 billion by 2030.
Included in the growing funding would be money specifically allocated to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes. The proposed AI Institutes Program would establish an institute in every state, beginning with 9-14 funded through the first solicitation whose submissions were due earlier in January of this year.
To learn more about PCAST’s recommendations regarding AI, please visit: https://science.osti.gov/-/media/_/pdf/about/pcast/202006/REV_IotF_Subcommittee_Presentation-202006.pdf?la=en&hash=008E2ADC9CB3CEDEAE79546934F6D2383B9FC564&utm_medium=email&utm_source=FYI&dm_i=1ZJN,6XXKF,M3WXSL,RXD72,1.
Included in the growing funding would be money specifically allocated to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes. The proposed AI Institutes Program would establish an institute in every state, beginning with 9-14 funded through the first solicitation whose submissions were due earlier in January of this year.
To learn more about PCAST’s recommendations regarding AI, please visit: https://science.osti.gov/-/media/_/pdf/about/pcast/202006/REV_IotF_Subcommittee_Presentation-202006.pdf?la=en&hash=008E2ADC9CB3CEDEAE79546934F6D2383B9FC564&utm_medium=email&utm_source=FYI&dm_i=1ZJN,6XXKF,M3WXSL,RXD72,1.