Register Today for ASME Policy Impact 2022!

Register Today for ASME Policy Impact 2022!

Save the date for ASME Policy Impact 2022 to hear from leaders in science and engineering! ASME is hosting its premier public policy educational program, ASME Policy Impact, from May 17-19, 2022. Join fellow ASME Members to learn how policy developments in clean energy, advanced manufacturing, and workforce development are impacting the engineering profession and meet virtually with your Members of Congress to share your passion for engineering.

Free registration for ASME Policy Impact 2022 includes:
  • Virtual meetings with your Members of Congress or their staff facilitated by ASME
  • Keynotes, plenary sessions, and discussion panels on ASME’s public policy priorities
  • Online training with tips on conducting successful meetings with policymakers
  • Advocacy materials and talking points to support ASME member congressional visits
Sign Up Today for Congressional Visits!

The registration deadline to participate in Congressional Visits through Policy Impact is May 12, 2022. Visit to register and learn more about ASME Policy Impact 2022.

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