Registration Open! ASME Policy Impact 2023: May 10 & 11
Registration Open! ASME Policy Impact 2023: May 10 & 11
Registration is now open for ASME’s premier public policy educational program, Policy Impact, hosted by ASME’s Washington office and occurring online on May 10 and 11. This two-day virtual event will focus on clean energy and climate policy, showcasing experts in energy and sustainability as well as leaders from Congress and the Biden Administration. ASME members will learn about policy issues and have the opportunity to meet virtually with their Members of Congress. Register now to hear from leaders in science and engineering and have a policy impact yourself!
The 2023 ASME Policy Impact program includes:
The 2023 ASME Policy Impact program includes:
- Virtual meetings with your Members of Congress or their staff (for ASME members), a chance for you to advocate on key policy issues
- Keynotes and discussion panels on ASME’s public policy priorities
- Advocacy materials and talking points to support ASME member congressional visits