Water Infrastructure Bill Authorizing Improvements to U.S. Drinking Water Infrastructure Goes to President to be Signed into Law
Water Infrastructure Bill Authorizing Improvements to U.S. Drinking Water Infrastructure Goes to President to be Signed into Law
The Senate recently passed the Water Infrastructure Act of 2018, sending the legislation to the President to sign into law. The bill was introduced to congress by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) in June and, was passed by the Senate in early September without amendment by unanimous consent. The House passed the bill with amendments nine days later.
Among the provisions, the bill authorizes the Army Corps of Engineers to ensure improvements are made to the Nation’s ports, inland waterways, locks, dams, flood protection, ecosystem restoration, and other water resources infrastructure. The legislation also provides substantial funds to improve the U.S’ drinking water infrastructure.
The bill has received support from both sides of both chambers. “This bipartisan legislation will authorize water infrastructure projects developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which will strengthen our coastal communities, help keep us competitive in the world economy, and restore our coastal environment. These critical water infrastructure projects will improve our Nation’s ports, harbors, and waterways, and create and sustain thousands of good-paying American jobs. I applaud my colleagues for their bipartisan work, and I look forward to getting this bill passed and signed into law.” House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member Peter DeFazio explained following the passage of the legislation from the House.
To view the bill in full, click here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/3021