VCPD442_VCPD0425 - ASME BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1: Design and Construction (Virtual Classroom) has been added to your cart.

ASME BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1: Design and Construction (Virtual Classroom)

Understand and apply ASME’s BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1 to pressure vessel design and construction.

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  • Apr 14-18th, 2025


  • Jun 09-13th, 2025




The course commences at 10:30 AM and ends at 3:30 PM Eastern each day with breaks scheduled throughout. 

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Are you tasked with the design or fabrication of pressure vessels, but are not sure where to begin with code requirements? This course is a comprehensive introduction to the requirements of the current Edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), Section VIII, Division 1. Beginning with a unique insight into the background and organization of the code, the course will then focus on the design and construction requirements of the code. Participants will also explore requirements applicable to materials, fabrication, inspection, testing, and certification of pressure vessels. The course highlights the most commonly applied subsections, paragraphs, and appendices.

This course focuses on the design, fabrication, and certification of pressure vessels with respect to BPVC, VIII-1. In this course, participants will perform relevant example calculations on Appendix 2 flanges, nozzle reinforcement, and much more! Real world case studies highlight areas such as Opening Reinforcements/ Nozzle Reinforcement and Appendix 2 Bolted Flange Calculation. 

 By participating in this course, you will learn how to successfully:

  • Describe scope, purpose, and organization of the Code.
  • Define allowable materials, explain how to reclassify materials, and identify material traceability requirements.
  • Explain how to apply the Code rules to common design and fabrication situations.
  • Identify the calculations for some of the loadings and situations not addressed by the Code.
  • Describe the preparation of design specifications, design reports, data reports, and other documentation

Who Should Attend?

This course is designed primarily for beginners as well as, experienced vessel designers who would like to update their knowledge with the latest version of the Code.

Those involved with the purchase, design, fabrication, or inspection of pressure vessels. Some technical background will be helpful, but attendees are not required to have an Engineering degree or previous work experience in the subject matter.

Topics covered in this course include:

  • Introduction to ASME Codes and Section VIII
  • General Design Requirements
  • Design for cylindrical shells, dished heads, Flat Heads, Covers and Openings for internal and external pressure
  • Fabrication, Testing, Welding, and Examination
  • Requirements for Steels and Heat-Treated Materials

Course Materials (included in purchase of course): 

  • Participants will receive access to the following Code/Standard(s) via ASME’s Digital Collection for the duration of the course:
    • ASME BPVC, Section VIII, Division 1: Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
    • ASME BPVC, Section VIII, Division 2: Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels - Alternative Rules
    • ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section II.D: Properties (Customary)
  • Downloadable version of the course presentation via ASME's learning platform

Special features include:

  • An Overview of Code Organization
  • Overview of Updated Editions
  • Supplemental Course Materials (not included with course, purchase separately)A calculator is required.

This ASME Virtual Classroom course is held live with an instructor on our online learning platform. A Certificate of Completion will be issued to registrants who successfully attend and complete the course. 

Can't make one of the scheduled sessions? This course is also available On Demand.

This course is included in the following combo:
ASME BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1: Pressure Vessel Combo Course (Virtual Classroom)
Inspection, Repair and Alterations of In-Service Pressure Equipment (Virtual Classroom), ASME BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1: Design and Construction (Virtual Classroom)
Price if purchased separately: $2190
You save: $695
List Price: $1495

Topics covered

Module 1: Introduction to ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel (BPV) Code and Section VIII 

Editions, Interpretations, and Code Cases 

  • Foreword 
  • Responsibilities 
  • Scope 
  • Comparison between Divisions 1 and 2

Module 2: Materials Requirements

  • Code accepted materials 
  • Exceptions to material requirements 
  • Recertification of materials 
  • Basis for allowable stresses 
  • Other material properties

Module 3: General Design Requirements

  • Stresses and Load Conditions 
  • Joint Types and Efficiencies 
  • Joint Categories 
  • Alternate Design Rules 
  • Rules for Pressure Vessel Designers 
  • Mandatory Appendices 
  • Nonmandatory Appendices

Module 4: Design for Internal Pressure

  • Cylindrical Shells 
  • Spheres 
  • Formed Heads 
  • Flat Heads and Covers 
  • Openings and Reinforcement

Module 5: Design for External Pressure and Buckling

  • Axial Compression 
  • External Pressure applied to 
  • Cylinders 
  • Formed heads 
  • Spheres 
  • Design of stiffening rings

Module 6: Fabrication Requirements

  • Cutting and forming 
  • Shape Tolerances 
  • Inspection Requirements 
  • Special Service Requirements 
  • Design of welded joints 
  • Postweld Heat Treatment (PWHT) 
  • Nondestructive Examination (NDE)

Module 7: Requirements for Carbon, High Alloy, and High Strength Steels

  • Fabrication 
  • Specific Heat Treatment Requirements 
  • Toughness Requirements 
  • Toughness Testing Exemptions 
  • High Alloy Steels 
  • High Strength Steels

Module 8: Testing, Stamping, Data Reports, and Pressure Relief

  • Pressure Test Requirements
    • Hydrostatic 
    • Pneumatic 
  • Applying the ASME Mark 
  • Manufacturers Data Reports 
  • Pressure relief requirements

Ramesh Tiwari, P.E.

President, CoDesign Engineering, LLC

Ramesh Tiwari, P.E., is recognized for his expertise with ASME Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2, NBIC and API 510, TEMA and API 660 Standards, and API 650 and API 620 Standards.

More Information


Virtual Classroom

Live course with an instructor and peers held in an online learning environment with digital enhancements and online materials.
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