VCPD632_VCPD1124 - Design-by-Stress Analysis per ASME BPV Code, Section III, Division 1: Class 1, 2 and 3 Components (Virtual Classroom) has been added to your cart.

Design-by-Stress Analysis per ASME BPV Code, Section III, Division 1: Class 1, 2 and 3 Components (Virtual Classroom)

Apply the rules of Appendix XIII Design by Stress Analysis per Section III, Division 1 to vessels, pumps, valves and piping in nuclear power plants. 

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  • Nov 14-19th, 2024


  • Mar 27-Apr 01st, 2025




This course commences at 9 AM and ends at 5:30 PM Eastern each day for the following sessions:

  • September 12 - 13 and 16 - 17, 2024
  • November 14 - 15 and 18 - 19, 2024
  • March 27 - 28 and March 31 - April 1, 2025

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This course provides guidance for applying the requirements of the updated Edition of Mandatory Appendix XIII Design by Stress Analysis per ASME BPV Code, Section III, Division 1 Class 1, 2 and 3 vessels, pumps, valves and piping in nuclear power plants. Prior to the publication of the 2017 edition, Appendix XIII applied only to alternatively-design NC-3200 vessels. Now, Appendix XIII is more broadly applicable.

Participants review the basis for design by stress analysis and how design by stress analysis can be used in conjunction with the design rules for Section III Division 1 Class 1, 2 and 3 components in Subsections NB, NC and ND respectively; stress classification and processing finite element analysis results using stress classification cut lines; as well as Class 1, 2 and 3 allowable stress intensities and stresses per Appendix XIII.

Additionally, participants delve into the process of evaluating stresses caused by pressure, mechanical and thermal loading combinations and how those evaluations are performed in accordance with the requirements of the newly written “hopper diagram” in Appendix XIII; evaluation of Level A and Level B cyclic loadings (fatigue); evaluation of special stress limits such as pure shear, torsional shear, shear due to loads near edges, triaxial stresses, compressive stresses, buckling beyond external pressure loading, seismic loads, brittle fracture; and design reports.

By participating in this course, you will learn how to successfully:

  • Identify the basis, history and failure modes driving the requirements of Appendix XIII
  • Apply ASME BPV Code, Section III, Division 1, Mandatory Appendix XIII: Design by Stress Analysis Hopper Diagram and Stress Classification to the appropriate stress intensity or stress criteria
  • Determine when to apply Design by Stress Analysis for non-bolts and bolts and when Design-by-Rules takes precedent over Design by Stress Analysis
  • Apply the Appendix XIII Design by Stress Analysis to evaluation of Class 1, 2, and 3 vessels, pumps, valves and piping; and interaction of design rules with fabrication and inspection rules
  • Identify the differences for applying Design by Stress Analysis to Class 1, 2, and 3 components
  • Apply Appendix XIII requirements with solid element and plate-shell element finite element analysis of pressure, mechanical and thermal loadings
  • Apply the process, analysis, and qualification for the Design, Operating Levels A, B, C and D and Test loadings and explain how results are reported in a Section III Division 1 Component Design Report
  • Determine when and how to apply Limit Load and Plastic Analysis

Course Materials (included in purchase of course) 

  • Participants will receive access to the following Code/Standard(s) via ASME’s Digital Collection for the duration of the course:
    • ASME BPV Code, Section III, NCA: Rules for Constructions of Nuclear Facility Components
    • ASME BPV Code, Section III: Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components-Division 1-Subsection NCD-Class 2 and Class 3 Components
    • ASME BPV Code, Section III: Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components-Division 1-Subsection NB-Class 1 Components
  • Downloadable version of the course presentation
  • Downloadable version of ASME BPV Code, Section III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components, Appendices: Appendix XIII (only)

Who Should Attend

Engineers, managers and quality personnel and inspectors involved in the design, analysis or fabrication of components or structures for nuclear power plants.

This ASME Virtual Classroom course is held live with an instructor on our online learning platform. A Certificate of Completion will be issued to registrants who successfully attend and complete the course.


Day One

  • Introduction and Review of General Rules of Subsection NCA
  • Using Design by Stress Analysis in Concert with Design Rules; Class 1, 2, 3 Vessels, Pumps, Valves, Piping
  • Allowable Stress Intensities for Class 1 and NC-3200 and Allowable Stresses for Classes 1 and 2
  • Mandatory Use of Physical Properties in Section II, Part D (E, , TC, TD, TC, TD)
  • Using Solid Element and Plate-Shell Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
  • The Design Report; Appendix C and Use of a Certifying Engineer
  • Examples and Exercises; guided and unguided

Day Two

  • Review of Key Stress Analysis Terms
  • The New Master Hopper Diagram, New Terminology and Class 1, 2, 3, CS Allowable Stresses
  • Stress Classification and Cut Lines; membrane, membrane-plus-bending, peak and total stresses and stress intensities
  • Primary Stress versus Secondary Stress; stress, stress intensity, stress range and stress intensity range
  • Design and Level A Primary Stress Analysis and Associated Limits – non-bolts and bolts
  • Level B Load Combinations Primary Stress Analysis and Associated Limits – non-bolts and bolts
  • Special Stress Limits, Design and Service Level Load Combinations – non-bolts
  • Examples and Exercises; guided and unguided

Day Three

  • Level C and Level D Load Combinations Primary Stress Analysis and Associated Limits – non-bolts and bolts
  • Test Loadings and Associated Limits – non-bolts and bolts
  • Levels A and B Primary and Secondary Stress Load Combinations Stress Analysis and Associated Limits – non-bolts and bolts
  • Seismic Evaluation Methods and Stress Analysis Limits – equivalent g-load; response spectrum; time integration
  • Examples and Exercises; guided and unguided 

Day Four

  • Shakedown and Ratchetting and the Sr Limit – non-bolts and bolts
  • Fatigue and the Hopper Diagram Sa Limit and Applications with Simplified Elastic-Plastic Analysis when the Sr Limit is Exceeded – non-bolts and bolts
  • Introduction to Limit Analysis – when it is applicable, how to use it
  • Introduction to Shakedown Analysis – when it is applicable, how to use it
  • Buckling Analysis beyond External Pressure
  • Brittle Fracture and Appendix G
  • Examples and Exercises; guided and unguided
  • Course Wrap-Up

Greg Hollinger, P.E.

ASME Fellow

Greg L. Hollinger, P.E., Fellow, ASME, has 45 years of experience in power-related industries, including commercial nuclear power and other nuclear power technologies.

More Information


Virtual Classroom

Live course with an instructor and peers held in an online learning environment with digital enhancements and online materials.
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