Part 1: Imaging 1
Section 1: Acoustic and Ultrasound Methods 3
Chapter 1: Dynamic Radiation Force of Acoustic Waves 5
Abstract 5
1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 Hydrodynamic Equations 6
1.3 Dynamic Radiation Force 9
1.4 Acoustic Scattering 11
1.5 Radiation Force on Spheres 13
Appendix 18
References 19
Chapter 2: Numerical Modeling for Assessment and Design of Ultrasound
Vibroacoustography Systems 21
Abstract 21
2.1 Introduction 21
2.2 Mathematical Model 24
2.3 Numerical Model 25
2.4 Preliminary Results 35
2.5 Summary 38
References 39
Chapter 3: Strain Induced by Dual Acoustic Radiation Force and
its Ultrasonic Measurement 41
Abstract 41
3.1 Introduction 41
3.2 Generation of Fluctuating Acoustic Radiation Force 43
3.3 Displacement of Object Induced by Fluctuating
Acoustic Radiation Force 44
3.4 Deformation Induced by Dual Acoustic Radiation Force Captured
B y Video Camera 47
3.5 Ultrasonic Measurement of Displacement Distribution Inside An
Object Induced by Dual Acoustic Radiation Force 48
3.6 Discussion 52
3.7 Conclusions 54
References 55
Chapter 4: Computational Inverse Problem Techniques in Vibroacoustics 57
Abstract 57
4.1 Introduction 57
4.2 Formulation of the Vibroacoustic Problem 58
4.3 Numerical Methods for Solving Vibroacoustic Problems 60
4.4 Inverse Problem Techniques for Material Characterization 67
4.5 Example 69
4.6 Future Directions 74
References 75
Chapter 5: Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) Imaging:
Fundamental Concepts and Image Formation 77
Abstract 77
5.1 Introduction 77
5.2 Acoustic Radiation Force 78
5.3 Ultrasonic Monitoring of Tissue Response to Impulsive Radiation Force 79
5.4 Generating Images from Impulsive
5.5 Motion filtering for In Vivo Applications 86
5.6 Safety Considerations 88
5.7 Conclusions 89
References 89
Chapter 6: Cardiovascular Elasticity Imaging 93
Abstract 93
6.1 Cardiovascular Applications 93
6.2 Elasticity Imaging Methods and Findings 100
6.3 PWI for Vascular Disease Detection 109
6.4 Conclusion 111
References 112
Chapter 7: Harmonic Motion Imaging in HIFU Monitoring 119
Abstract 119
7.1 Breast Cancer Detection 119
7.2 Breast Cancer Treatment 122
7.3 Clinical Significance 124
7.4 Tumor Detection and Treatment Monitoring 125
7.5 Conclusion 134
References 136
Section 2: Magnetic Resonance Methods 141
Chapter 8: Characterization of Skeletal Muscle Elasticity Using Magnetic
Resonance Elastography 143
Abstract 143
8.1 Clinical Background 143
8.2 Principle of MRE Imaging 144
8.3 Introduction to Elasticity Inversion Algorithms 147
8.4 Mechanical Characterization of Skeletal Muscles 152
8.5 Applications of MRE to Skeletal Muscles 153
References 158
Part 2: Characterization 161
Section 1: Vessel characterization 163
Chapter 9: Acoustic Response of the Human Arteries 165
Abstract 165
9.1 Basic Concepts 165
9.1.1 Non-Invasive Stiffness Detection Methods 166
9.2 Theoretical Formulation 171
9.3 Model Development and Simulation 183
9.4 Model Results and Applications 189
References 207
Chapter 10: Non-Invasive Method for Measuring Local Viscoelasticity
of Arterial Vessels 211
Abstract 211
10.1 Introduction 211
10.2 Theory 212
10.3 Experiments 214
10.4 R esults and Discussion 214
10.5 Conclusions 219
References 219
Section 2: Tissue Characterization 221
Chapter 11: Tissue Harmonic Motion Estimation for Tissue Characterization
Using Ultrasound and Kalman Filter 223
Abstract 223
11.1 Introduction 223
11.2 Tissue Motion Detection Using Ultrasound 224
11.3 Introduction to the Kalman Filter 228
11.4 Tissue Harmonic Motion Estimation 230
11.5 Conclusions 237
References 237
Chapter 12: Characterization of Tissue Viscoelasticity from
Shear Wave Speed Dispersion 239
Abstract 239
12.1 Introduction 239
12.2 Principle of SDUV 240
12.3 Vibration Detection with Pulse-Echo Ultrasound 242
12.4 Motion Generation and Detection with a Single-Array Transducer 243
12.5 Discussion 248
12.6 Conclusions 248
References 249
Section 3: Bone Characterization 251
Chapter 13: Application of Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy (NEWS) to In
Vitro Damage Assessment in Cortical Bone 253
Abstract 253
13.1 Introduction and Background 253
13.2 Introduction to Elastic Non-Linearity 256
13.3 Theory 257
13.4 Experiments 257
13.5 Results 262
13.6 Discussion and Conclusions 268
References 270
Appendix: International Standards And Guidelines For The Safe Use Of
Diagnostic Ultrasound In Medicine 275
A.1 Ultrasound Biophysics and Bioeffects 275
A.2 Is There A Risk? 278
A.3 Development of Safety Guidelines and Regulation 278
A.4 Benefits and Risks — The ALARA 280
A.5 International Safety Standards and Guidelines 281
References 281
A-Appendices: Selected Safety Statements From International Organizations 285
AA.1 WF UMB Statements on the Safety of Diagnostic Ultrasound (1998) 285
AA.2 Selected AIUM Statements on the Safety Of Diagnostic Ultrasound (1992) 286
AA.3 Selected EFSUMB Statements on the Safety of Diagnostic Ultrasound
(1995-1996) 287